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Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE)


CAITE designs and carries out comprehensive programs that address underrepresentation in information technology (IT).

For Educators

Resources, Research, and Best Practices for Computing Degree Transfer from Community College to 4-Year College/University


Planning Successful STEM Transfer & Articulation Summits

These slides present the Computing Transfer & Articulation Summit strategy developed by the Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE) to increase Computer Science and IT transfer in Massachusetts and demonstrate how the strategy can be adopted for other STEM degree programs. 


Ramping Up for STEM Success: Pathways for Student Transfer

This report summarizes the results of an experiment to design programs aiming to increase transfer student success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)—in communities and regions in six states.  


Examining Student Engagement and Transfer Intentions Among Community College STEM Students

The goal of this study is to ascertain the level of literacy of community college students regarding their transfer readiness for obtaining a baccalaureate degree in STEM fields.


Making Transfer Happen: Seamless IT Education for Students

Lessons learned from a National Science Foundation-funded CPATH Community-Building Project.


PIPELEINE-IN-A-BOX: Promoting Advancement of CS/IT Students from Two-Year to Four Year Institutions

A complete set of resources for strengthening the relationship between community colleges and 4-year institutions in order to increase the number of women and underrepresented minorities graduating with computer science (CS) or information technology (IT) baccalaureate degrees.


Articulation Agreements: New England Transfer Association

An informative presentation on articulation agreement particulars and process—NETA Professional Development Day September 16, 2011.


Socialization of Transfer Students in STEM: Literature Review

The Office of Community College Research and Policy (OCCRP) at Iowa State University


Perception vs Reality of Transfer Student Performance in STEM

This presentation addresses the differences between perceived academic preparedness and actual performance in transfer students within STEM disciplines—State University of New York, the College at Brockport.


Experience of Female STEM Transfer Students

This study explores factors regarding female students in STEM academic majors who have successfully transferred from a community college to a 4-year institution.


Transfer Student Capital: Agency, Knowledge and Action Along the Community College Pathway

This study conceptualizes Transfer Student Capital as the knowledge accumulation that helps students understand the complex web of educational policies and organizational structures, which mediate the transfer process from community college colleges to 4-year institutions.