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News Archives
DEC 2016 |
Dec. 5, 2016 |
Screening of CODEGIRL Movie Monday, December 5, 2016 6:00PM - 9:00PM Hubspot, 2 Canal Park Cambridge, MA 02141
In celebration of Computer Science Education Week, Hubspot is hosting a free movie screening of CODEGIRL, a documentary that follows follows high-school girls from around the globe as they break into technology and programming. Groups of young women build innovations to improve their communities in the annual competition, Technovation Challenge, designed to empower and propel girls into STEM fields.
CODEGIRL is the latest work of award-winning filmmaker Lesley Chilcotte, whose previous high-impact documentaries include An Inconvenient Truth and Waiting for Superman.
Dinner, drinks, and mingling will start at 6:00pm and the screening will begin right around 6:30pm. Find more information and RSVP here. Any questions? Email |
Dec. 5-11, 2016 |
Computer Science Education Week Monday, Dec.5 - Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016 worldwide
Computer Science Education (CS Ed) Week is December 5-11, 2016 and is a nationwide effort to raise awareness of the impact of computing and the importance of computer science education. Endorsed by Congress in recognition of Grace Hopper's birthday on December 9, 1906, CS Ed Week is a call to action to share information and offer activities that will elevate CS education for students at all levels. Thousands of students, teachers, parents, and members of industry will take part in CS Ed Week events this year, and we hope that you will, too.
Learn about different ways to participate and register your event here. Find out about how Massachusetts is celebrating #CSEdWeekMA here. |
NOV 2016 |
Nov. 30, 2016 |
Diving into 'Careers with Code' with Google and the National Girls Collaborative Webinar Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 4:00PM-5:00PM ET
Held just five days before the kick-off of Computer Science Education Week (CS Ed Week), this webinar is a great opportunity to learn about ways to get involved, engage girls in computational thinking, and discuss different pathways to computer science careers.
"Careers with Code is a magazine and online resource that shows how computer science can intersect with students' passions to create a dream career in health, sports, business, virtual reality, and many other fields." During this interactive webinar, you will have the unique opportunity to communicate directly with the innovators behind the Careers with Code publication. Guided by a discussion with representatives from Google's K12 Education Outreach team, Refraction Media, and the National Girls Collaborative Project, together we will explore the multitude of pathways girls can take to a career in computer science.
Presenters: Karen Peterson (CEO, NGCP); Abby Bouchon Daniels (K-12 Education Outreach Specialist, Google); Angelica Anguanzo (Product Quality Analyst, Google); Karen Taylor (Co-Founder and Publisher, Refraction Media); Heather Catchpole (Co-Founder and Head of Content, Refraction Media).
Register for the webinar here. |
Nov. 22, 2016 |
Project Lead the Way (PLTW)/Mass STEM Hub Grant Info Session Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016 8:00AM-9:30AM Lowell High School Little Theatre 50 Fr. Morissette Boulevard Lowell, MA
Attend a regional information session to learn more about Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and a STEM grant opportunity from the Mass STEM Hub to increase access to high-quality STEM programming for students and improve student results. Grants will support adoption and expansion of Project Lead the Way (PLTW) programs beginning in the 2017-18 school year. The grants are intended to help provide funds to start new or expand/improve existing PLTW Engineering, Biomedical and Computer Science (9-12), PLTW Gateway (6-8), or PLTW Launch (K-5) programming at your school(s) for the 2017-18 school year. Grant awards of up to $50,000 are available. You can view Part One of the grant application here. |
Nov. 19, 2016 |
MIT App Inventor Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016 9:30AM-12:00PM MIT Stata Center 32 Vassar Street Room G449 - Patil/Kiva Conf. Room Cambridge, MA
Always been intrigued by App Inventor? Contemplating the Technovation Challenge and want to be stronger in App Inventor? Or perhaps you'd like to plan a CS Ed Week and Hour of Code activity that will inspire students? Then this workshop - presented by the people who make App Inventor - is for you! For more information and to register, see here. |
Nov. 1, 2016 |
Massachusetts STEM Summit 2016 Monday, Nov 1, 2016 7:30AM-3:45PM DCU Center 50 Foster Street Worcester, MA 01608
The annual Massachusetts STEM Summit promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education and workforce development from early childhood through adulthood. The Summit invites the state’s educators, business leaders, policymakers, parents, students, and others to share strategies, initiatives, collaborations, and ideas. This year's theme is“Building a Lifetime of Opportunity”.
In addition to a full slate of diverse and exciting breakout sessions and exhibits offered throughout the day, the Summit's roster of plenary speakers include:
Registration is now open. See here for more information. |
OCT 2016 |
Oct. 4, 2016 |
Successful STEM mentoring with Prof. Becky Packard Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 Odyssey Books 9 College Street South Hadley
The Odyssey Bookshop & the Weissman Center for Leadership at Mount Holyoke College are hosting a discussion with Professor Becky Wai-Ling Packard, Professor of Psychology and Education at Mounth Holyoke College. Prof. Packard will talk about her new book, Successful STEM Mentoring for Underrepresented Students: A Research-Based Guide. This event should be of particular interest to anyone starting a new mentoring initiative, taking a second look at an existing one, or wanting to move beyond a program into a culture of mentoring in your department or organization. Open and free to the public. |
Oct. 7-9, 2016 |
HackUmass Friday, Oct. 7 - Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016 UMass Amherst Integrative Learning Center 650 N. Pleasant Street
Pre-registration required. HackUmass is the largest hackathon in the Pioneer Valley. In 36 hours, participants will bring innovative ideas to life through both software and hardware rules. All students are welcome (if you're under 18, you will need a signed parental consent form) and individuals or teams of up to 4 members are eligible. There will be opportunities to fom your team online and at the event. No experience necessary - there will mentors and resources for beginners. Just bring a valid photo ID, laptop, phone, chargers, a sleeping bag, and enthusiasm. The event is free for all registrants.
Find more information and register here. |
Oct. 15, 2016 |
Geek is Glam STEM Expo Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016 Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Pre-registration required. You won't want to miss the 4th Annual STEM GIG! It's 2016 and Geek is Glam! Explore, experience, and experiment, not for a grade but for fun. You'll experience exciting opportunities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). You'll be empowered to change, create, collaborate and contribute; and you'll discover how YOU can make a real difference in the world. Hands-on exhibits, crazy inventions, interactive workshops and demonstrations in this fun-packed day! Sancks, an all-you-can-eat lunch in the college dining hall, t-shirt, and backpack are all included. Open to girls in grades 4-8.
Adult volunteers are needed to help make this day a success. All adult volunteers must be registered and CORI'd and understand they will not be with their girls. Contact Lizz to volunteer at Thir first 35 volunteers will receive a GIG t-shirt.
Don't wait to register, this event WILL fill fast and so will the most popular workshops. See the website for more details.
Oct. 20, 2016 |
Massachusetts Project Lead the Way STEM Conference Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016 8:00AM-2:30PM Worcester Polytechnic Institute Salisbury Laboratories WPI Parking Garage 151 Salisbury Street Worcester, MA
This professional development conference welcomes district administrators, principals, curriculum specialists, teachers, school counselors, and interested business and industry professionals. Learn all about the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) K-12 curricular programs in engineering, computer science and biomedical science from PLTW educators and students. The agenda includes five choices for each session, so there will be topics of interest to everyone, whether you've been involved with PLTW for ten years, one year, or this is the very first you've heard of the curriculum.
For conference details and registration, see: Registration deadline is Tuesday, October 11. |
Oct. 24, 2016 |
Women in Engineering and Computing Career Day 2016 Monday, Oct. 24, 2016 8:30AM-1:15PM Campus Center Auditorium UMass Amherst Amherst, MA
This event is geared towards female high school students (grades 9-12) to introduce them to the fields of engineering and computing, programs, and potential careers, but other students are welcome. There will be interactive activities that will allow students to explore engineering and computing:
Register here (deadline is October 14). Check out the website for more information or contact Dr. Paula Rees. |
sept 2016 |
Sep. 14, 2016 |
White House Summit on Computer Science for All Wednesday, Sep. 14, 2016 1:00PM-3:00PM ET
The White House will host a Summit on Computer Science for All. The event will mark progress on expanding computer science (CS) education since President Obama's call to action in his State of the Union eight months ago. Tune in via livestream at and #CSforAll on all channels to find out about the latest commitnments from partners across the nation and celebrate significant progress towards Computer Science for All. |
Sep. 27, 2016 |
CSTA Computer Science Education Share-a-thon Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2016 4:00-6:00 PM 100 Bigelow Street Holyoke, MA
Elementary, Middle, and High School Computer Science Teachers are invited to a computer sicence education share-a-thon! Are you interested in meeting and networking with other computer science teachers in the area? Are you teaching the new AP Computer Science Principles course? Are you curious about the new AP COmputer Science Principles course? Would it help you to have two dedicated hours to get practical ideas/lessons you can implement in your CS classes now? Do you get the question, "What kind of jobs can a computer sicentist do?"
Then join and meet other K-12 computer science teachers at the CSTA monthly meeting/computer science share-a-thon! Bring your questions and go home with lesson plans, ideas, and resources (e.g. on CS Principles, careers in computer science, cybersecurity, CS Unplugged, Exploring CS). Refreshments will be included. |
Sep. 29, 2016 |
Women in STEM Speaker Series: Can We Talk? Thursday, Sep. 29, 2016 5:30PM-8:30PM Breck Hall Bay Path University Longmeadow, MA
What are the challenges for women in STEM? What do we need to do to promote and keep women in STEM? Those questions and more will be discussed at this free Women in STEM Networking and Mentoring Event, featuring a panel of experts from several STEM fields. The event is free and open to the public. To register, visit and click on "Events" or contact Ann Cantin at |
JUNE 2016 |
June 6, 2016 |
SciTech Cafe: Why doesn't Siri Understand Me? Human-Robot language interaction 6:00 P.M. 125 Pleasant St Northampton, MA
How does speech recognition work? What is a dialog system? What is social robotics? Professor Heather Pon-Barry, professor of computer science and the director of the INteractive COmputing Research Lab at Mount Holyoke College, will share her research on how computers understand language in the last SciTech Cafe talk of the season until September. All are very much welcome (kids,
SciTech Cafe events are open to all those with curious minds regardless of age and background. Events, prizes, and snacks are free. Find more information here. |
June 6, 2016 |
Make-It Springfield: Electric Quilt Workshop Monday, June 6, 2016 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Make-It Springfield 168 Worthington St, Springfield, MA
Learn about how microcontrollers can be used to create textiles that are responsive to their environment. In this free workshop, you will design, sew, and program a quilt lined with LED lights. Open to middle and high school students.
"Make-It Springfield" is a pop-up community makerspace in downtown Springfield where you can create & connect through technology, the arts & media. "Make-It Springifeld" will host public workshops and events throughout the month of June and is co-hosted by MassDevelopment’s Transformative Development Initiative [TDI], the UMASS Design Center in Springfield, and the Springfield BID.
Find more information here. |
June 7, 2016 |
Make-It Springfield: Electric Quilt Workshop Tuesday, June 7, 2016 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Make-It Springfield 168 Worthington St, Springfield, MA
Learn about how microcontrollers can be used to create textiles that are responsive to their environment. In this free workshop, you will design, sew, and program a quilt lined with LED lights. Open to middle and high school students.
"Make-It Springfield" is a pop-up community makerspace in downtown Springfield where you can create & connect through technology, the arts & media. "Make-It Springifeld" will host public workshops and events throughout the month of June and is co-hosted by MassDevelopment’s Transformative Development Initiative [TDI], the UMASS Design Center in Springfield, and the Springfield BID.
Find more information here. |
June 11, 2016 |
TouchTomorrow - A Festival of Science, Technology, & Robots Saturday, June 11, 2016 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Worcester Polytechnic Institute 100 Insitute Road Worcester, MA
Explore space and robots with NASA educators at this family-friendly fextival of hands-on technology and exhibits in celebration of the NASA Sample Return Robot Challenge.
WGBH Eduation/PBS Learning Media will also be sponsoring hands-on, family-oriented fun at the Bartlett Center. Faculty and current WPI students will open up their research labs around campus to share their innovations and discoveries. Some activities for middle and high-schoolers inside the research labs:
Find more information and register here.
June 15, 2016 |
Bridging Technologies: How 3D Printing and Simple CAD Models Can Help Make Nearly Anything Wednesday, June 15, 2016 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Make-It Springfield 168 Worthington St, Springfield, MA
Learn all about 3D Printing, Product Prototyping, and Off-the-shelf Component Hacking, and explore how you might utilize one these technologies to create a business. It's not every day you get to learn tricks of the trade from the owner of Barnstorm Studio, a local 3d printing & product prototyping company. This workshop is free and ideal for ages 16+. Adults wlecome!
"Make-It Springfield" is a pop-up community makerspace in downtown Springfield where you can create & connect through technology, the arts & media. "Make-It Springifeld" will host public workshops and events throughout the month of June and is co-hosted by MassDevelopment’s Transformative Development Initiative [TDI], the UMASS Design Center in Springfield, and the Springfield BID.
Find more information here. |
June 22-24, 2016 |
MIT App Inventor Summit 2016 9:00 A.M -4:00 P.M. 75 Amherst St, E14-6th floor Cambridge, MA
Find more information and register here. |
MAY 2016 |
April 25-May 20 |
Workshop: Project GUTS Online Professional Development Workshop online at Spanish language version of workshop offered at
Project GUTS (Growing up Thinking Scientifically) is offering this free online professional development course free of charge thanks to generous support from New Mexico EPSCoR,, and Google. This four-week workshop is designed for teachers of grades 5-12, primarily science or technology teachers, interested in learning how to integrate computer science in science through computer modeling and simulation in StarLogo Nova. The online workshop consists of video content and StarLogo Nova activities you complete at your own pace, plus weekly webinars, and chats offered to support you and answer your questions. No prerequisites or prior experience needed.
Find more information and register here.
May 14, 2016 |
Scratch Day Saturday, May 14, 2016 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center Holyoke, MA
Join Holyoke Codes to celebrate Scratch Day and Holyoke Infrastructure Day! Help create an interactive map of Holyoke by animating a short sequence about your favorite Holyoke locations! This year's Infrastructure Day will celebrate Holyoke's Great Stone Dam on the Connecticut River and the extensive canal system which powered the late 19th and early 20th century mills in Holyoke, MA. Read more about the day and other STEM activities that are being offered on the City of Holyoke’s website.
Find more information and register here.
May 14, 2016
Scratch Day @MIT 2016 Saturday, May 14, 2016 9:00AM - 1:00PM MIT Media Lab
Join the Scratch Team on May 14th at the MIT Media Lab to meet, share, learn, and celebrate Scratch Day with local Scratchers! Doors will open at 9am for registration, and festivities will run from 10am to 1pm. After an opening ceremony, children and families can choose from a variety of activities: getting started with Scratch, collaborating on community projects, connecting Scratch to the physical world, facepainting with Scratch sprites, testing out new features, extending Scratch knowledge, and more! All ages are welcome.
APR 2016 |
April 19, 2016 |
UMass STEM Ed Seminar: STEM-ing the Tide-Female Experts and Peers Act as "Social Vaccines" that Inoculate Young Women Against Stereotypes and Increase their Participation in STEM Careers Tuesday, April 19, 2016 4:30 pm UMass Amherst Hasbrouck Room 113
STEM seminars are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month during the academic year at UMass. Refreshments will be available at 4:15, so come early for coffee and a snack! Everyone is welcome; no reservations are needed, and there is no charge. Parking is available in the Campus Center Garage. |
MAR 2016 |
March 5, 2016 |
Workshop: Programming Robots for Educators 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center Holyoke, MA
CAITE/ECEP, LEGO Education, and the MGHPCC are sponsoring a hands-on workshop for educators who are currently using or planning to use LEGO Mindstorms to teach computer programming conepts in their classes. Participants in this workshop will build skills in programming, including different data flow controls using outputs (motors, lights, and sounds) and using inputs (up to four types of sensors and also buttons) from the LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 materials. Cathy Helgoe, senior project manager, Creative Research & Development at LEGO Education, will lead the workshop.
Pre-registration required and space is limited. MGHPCC will provide loaner kits and laptops with EV3 software for up to 20 educators to use during the workshop. If you have your own EV3 kit and laptop with software, please bring it to use.
Find more information and register here.
March 24, 2016 |
AweSTEM! STEM Educator Conference Worcester, MA
For more information and to register: or contact |
FEB 2016 |
Feb. 12, 2016 |
Workshop: Increasing Diversity in STEM Friday, Feb. 12, 2016 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA
The STEM Education Center is offering a free PD workshop for educators interested in engaging all students in STEM learning. Participants will take part in an active workshop about the strategies and practices that enhance student motivation and reduce inequalities.
This interactive workshop reflects to participants the bias, stereotypes, and other societal factors that prevent students from certain groups to pursue STEM majors and careers. The workshop then presents research-based methods that make STEM accessible to all groups of students (including girls, students with learning or physical disabilities, students who live in poverty and students from non-English speaking families) and thus reduce the STEM gap. The event is free but requires registration.
Find more information here. |
Feb. 20-21, 2016 |
Event: LitJAM - Literacy Jamboree Hackathon 10:30 AM starts at Holyoke Heritage State Park Visiting Center 212 Appleton St Holyoke
Holyoke Community College and Gill Technology Center are hosting their first LitJAM hackathon! The kickoff will be at the Heritage Hall visitors center, followed by the hackathon at the Picknelly Center at 206 Maple St, Holyoke. Join educators, developers, designers, and community members to come up with innovative solutions to tackle illiteracy. There are many possibilities when the worlds of education and technology are merged. This event seeks to bring awareness to illiteracy and inspire the local Western Massachusetts community to lead change that will improve the world.
There will be entertainment from spoken word poets, Limitless Dance Group, Delgado, and more. Refreshments will be served. More information and free registration at:
Feb. 29, 2016 |
Workshop: Info Session on Mobile CSP Monday, Feb. 29, 2016 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center Holyoke, MA
High school teachers, curriculum directors, principals, and school leaders interested in bringing computer science to their students are invited to this info session on Mobile Computer Science Principles (Mobile CSP), a course based on the College Board's emerging Advanced Placement course in computer science.
Learn about:
Find more information here. |
DEC 2015 |
Dec. 5, 2015 |
Event: STEM Day at Elms College 9:30AM - 12:20PM Elms College
Elms College will be hosting a STEM day for high school and college students on the topic of food science. Enjoy workshops in biology, chemistry, and technology that explore the nature of food. The programming workshop will be presented by, Dr. Beryl Hoffman, Computer Information Technology, and participants will design and program an app to compute the number of calories that are needed in a day.
Sessions will be held in the new Center for Natural and Health Science. Elms STEM Day is free of charge to attend and includes lunch and campus tours following the STEM sessions. The public is welcome to attend, and pre-registration is required.
Find more information and register here. |
Dec. 11, 2015 |
CSEdWeek Event: Coding & Cocktails 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Tiny Kitchen, Gateway City Arts 92 Race St Holyoke
If you have never tried coding before, we’ll show you some great ways to get started with short, fun games that teach coding concepts. Or maybe you’d like to try your hand at creating a webpage with HTML, CSS, and a tiny bit of Javascript? Or perhaps create a game with python? If you’re interested in data, you can help us with our project to create an API and generate interesting visualizations.
For ages 21+. Find more information and register here.
Dec. 12, 2015 |
CSEdWeek Event: Hacking with Holyoke Codes at MGHPCC Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center 100 Bigelow Street
Learn about secret codes and cryptography at this hands-on workshop for kids (12+) to attend with a parent or teacher. Crack passwords and make your passwords more secure! Join forces at the end for a Capture the Flag hacking contest!
Workshop Schedule: 9:45 Registration and breakfast snacks
Laptops will be provided for kids to use during the workshop. Grownups are encouraged to bring their own laptops. Lunch is included.
Find more information and register here.
Nov 2015 |
Nov. 3, 2015 |
UMass STEM Ed Seminar: Computing Education in MA - Standards and Curriculum Updates Tuesday, November 3, 2015 4:00 pm UMass Amherst Hasbrouck Room 138
Renee Fall, Project Manager of CAITE, and Rick Adrion, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, will discuss Massachusetts' development of new K12 standards for digital literacy and computer science. What might the new standards mean for students, teachers, and school leaders? How are computer science concepts being introduced in a way thatthat engages more and more diverse students? Come hear about the porcess, status, and implicaitons and learn about the Massachusetts Exploring Computer Science Partnership (MECSP) and opportunities to bring a new introductory course to high schools. This event is free and open to the public; no reservations are needed. Parkingis available in the Campus Center Garage. |
Nov. 3, 2015 |
Screening Party of CODEGIRL Tuesday, November 3, 2015 4:30PM-8:00PM Google Cambridge Office 325 Main Street, 4th Floor Cambridge, MA 02142
Google is hosting a screening party of CODEGIRL, a documentary focusing on girls in Computer Science. CODEGIRL is the latest work of award-winning filmmaker Lesley Chilcotte, whose previous high-impact documentaries include An Inconvenient Truth and Waiting for Superman. High school girls and youth organizations are encouraged to join Women@Google at the Google Cambridge office for a screening of Chilcotte's newest documentary that follows 5,500 high school-aged girls from 60 countries as they compte in the annual Technovation Challenge. In the Challenge, girls have three months to develop an app that attempts to solve a problem in their local community. See the official trailer here! Event agenda:
Please click here to RSVP (please do so ASAP to secure T-shirts and advanced registration for your group). Food will be served. Email with any questions. |
Nov. 4, 2015 |
I'll Make a Man Out of You: Redefining Strong Female Characters Wednesday, November 4, 2015 4:00PM UMass Student Union Ballroom
Nov. 9-20, 2015
Event: Bebras Computing Challenge 2015
The Bebras Challenge is a fun, online event that lets participants apply logical and computational thinking to solve 15 different tasks within 45 minutes. It demonstrates how integrated computing concepts are in our daily lives -- it might even motivate some students to pursue the field. Each student gets a score and a certificate, which the teacher can download together with an answer sheet for a classroom discussion of the tasks. Everyone in grades 5-12 can participate, regardless of whether or not they have strong interest or skills in math, science, or computing. There are four different challenges with varied-difficulty and age appropriate tasks to make the challenge a fun experience for everyone. Students can participate on any time in the given two weeks and only need a browser or a computer or tablet with an internet connection. No special setup is required.
Teachers can sign up by visiting: Find more information here. |
Nov. 17, 2015 |
STEM Seminar: Magnificent Minds: 16 Pioneering Women in Science and Medicine 4:00PM-5:00PM UMass Amherst Penny Noyce will talk about her latest book, Magnificent Minds: 16 Pioneering Women in Science and Medicine. Noyce is a medical doctor, educator, and mother of five. She is the author of seven books for children and one text for educators. Her children's books are brainy and fun, mixing math or science with playful language and adventure.
STEM seminars are held at 4PM on the first and third Tuesdays of each month during the academic year at UMass in Hasbrouck 138. Refreshments will be available at 3:45, so come early for coffee and a snack! Everyone is welcome; no reservations are needed, and there is no charge. Parkingis available in the Campus Center Garage. |
OCT 2015 |
Oct. 4, 2015 |
Workshop: Family Creative Learning 5:00PM.-7:00PM
Pre-registration required. Family Creative Learning is a workshop series, developed at MIT, for children and parents to learn together — as designers and inventors — through the use of creative technologies. Families participate in a series of five 2-hour workshops held in the evenings. Workshops begin with dinner followed by a collaborative design activity using Scratch and MaKey MaKey. With Scratch, people can create their own interactive stories, games, and animations. With MaKey MaKey, families can interface with computers, using everyday objects that conduct electricity (such as fruits or Play-Doh). With Scratch and MaKey MaKey, families learn to not only use new technologies, but also create their own technologies. The workshop series culminates in a showcase night for families to invite friends and share their projects with the community.
Find more information and register here. |
Oct. 6, 2015 |
UMass STEM Ed Seminar: Disciplinary Thinking, Computational Doing: Promoting Interdisciplinary Computing While Transfroming Computer Science Enrollments Tuesday, October 6, 2015 4:00 pm UMass Amherst Computer Sciences Building, Room 151 140 Governors Drive
Valerie Barr, Professor of Computer Science at Union College, will talk about curricular changes in the Computer Science program at Union College, the infusion of computing into courses in 15 disciplines, and the overall impact on CS enrollments and exposure to computing across the institution. Sponsored by the UMass STEM Ed Institute and the College of Information and Computer Sciences. This event is free and open to the public; no reservations are needed. Parking: metered spaces are available in lot 31 across Governors Dr., and lot 45, west of the building (meters are in effect until 5 pm). |
Oct. 7, 2015 |
Webinar-Block Party: Meet some fo the creative minds behind Blockly, Scratch, and more! Wednesday, October 7, 2015 7:30PM - 8:30PM online
The CS10K Community is excited to announce the second session in a two-part webinar series on using Block-based programming languages in the CS Principles classroom. For our first session, we recruited three classroom teachers who use Block-based languages with their students. Our webinar host, Deepa Muralidhar is back again to facilitate a conversation with some of the creative minds who developed or co-developed six Block-based programming languages, including:
To attend, follow the hyperlink for this session here: |
Oct. 14, 2015 |
CSTA #CSK8 Twitter Chat: Assessing Computer Science in K-8: How do you know students are learning? Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015 8:00PM EST
The CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association) K8 Task force is restarting its CSK8 chats. Anyone interested in Computer Science in K-8 is invited to participate. Chats will be held every other Wednesday for the rest of the year. This week's topic is "Assessing Computer Science in K-8: How do you know students are learning?" |
Oct. 17, 2015 |
Groton Google Cloud Camp Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015 All day Groton-Dunstable Regional High School 703 Chicopee Row Groton, MA
Pre-registration required. The Groton Cloud Camp featuring Google for Education focuses on authentic and valuable ways to use the Google Education Tools. Learn how to use tech tools to collaborate, create, think critically, and communicate in, and out, of the classroom. Take a look below at the sessions for October 17th and also view the the Groton Google Cloud Camp website for more details!
Find more information and register here. |
Oct.-Dec. 20, 2015 |
Google for Education: Computational Thinking for Educators Course Now until Dec. 20, 2015 online
Google for Education is relaunching thier free, online course on computational thinking (CT) where educators can explore and learn more about what CT is and how it can be integrated intoa variety of subject areas. The course runs until December 20th and can be completed at your own pace, taking between 15-30 hours to complete. Humanites, Math, Science, and Computing educators are all encouraged to register. For more information or to sign up, visit To check out lessons and projects created by educators who have already started to think about integrating CT into their work, visit To join in the discussion about CT and learn from other educators from around the world, visit For additional resources on CT, including classroom-ready lesson plans, videos on how Google uses CT to do some amazing things, and more, visit |
Oct. 21, 2015 |
Massachusetts Project Lead the Way STEM Conference Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 8:00AM-2:30PM Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Salisbury Laboratories 100 Institute Road (Parking Garage at 151 Salisbury St) Worcester, MA
Pre-registration required. School counselors, curriculum specialists, teachers, principals, district administrators, and interested business and industry professionals are invited to this professional development conference. Learm about the Project lead the Way (PLTW) curricular programs that integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, providing an opprotunity for districts to develop a STEM pathway from kindergarten through grade 12. PLTW programs are aligned with the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. There will be
Find more information and register here. |
Oct. 21-22, 2015 |
2015 MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Annual Technology Conference Wednesday, Oct. 21 - Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 7:30AM-4:30PM Gillete Stadium 1 Patriot Place Foxborough, MA
Get inspiration to enhance your teaching and learning with technology. Visit hundreds of exhibitors and attend dozens of sessions during this two-day conferenceco-sponsored the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) and the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.). Sessions that may be of interest to CS educators include but are not limited to: Wednesday
Find more information and register here. |
Oct. 23-25, 2015 |
HackUmass Friday, Oct. 23 - Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015 8:00PM Fri - 5:00PM Sunday UMass Amherst Integrative Learning Center 650 N. Pleasant Street
Pre-registration required. HackUmass is the largest hackathon in the Pioneer Valley. In 36 hours, participants will bring innovative ideas to life through both software and hardware rules. All students are welcome (if you're under 18, you will need a signed parental consent form) and individuals or teams of up to 4 members are eligible. There will be opportunities to fom your team online and at the event. No experience necessary - there will mentors and resources for beginners. Just bring a valid photo ID, laptop, phone, chargers, a sleeping bag, and enthusiasm. The event is free for all registrants.
Find more information and register here. |
Oct. 26, 2015 |
Women in Engineering and Computing Career Day 2015 Monday, Oct. 26, 2015 8:30AM-1:30PM Lincoln Campus Center Auditorium UMass Amherst Amherst, MA
This event is geared towards female high school students (grades 9-12) to introduce them to the fields of engineering and computing, but other students are welcome. Alumna Carol Craig, CEO of Craig Technologies, will be the keynote speaker. In addition to this presentation, there will be interactive activities that will allow students to explore engineering and computing:
Find more information and register here. |
Oct. 27, 2015 |
CSTA of Western MA Presents: Nobody Knows Everything Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2015 4:00-6:00PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center 100 Bigelow St. Holyoke, MA
Join us for a discussion with Dr. Heidi Ellis, professor of Computer Science and Information Technology at Western New England University. Dr. Ellis research interests include software engineering education, open source software, and tools for biological data analysis. Dr. Ellis is one of the founding members of the Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) project which focuses on involving students in FOSS projects that improve the human condition. Dr. Ellis is PI/Co-PI on three NSF projects that support student involvement in HFOSS projects. All elementrary, middle, high school teachers and college professors are welcome to attend. |
Oct. 31, 2015 |
Workshop: Robotics+iSENSE 8:00AM-12:30PM
Pre-registration required. K-12 teachers and educators are invited to this free hands-on workshop to learn how to build robots and include them in your teaching. Attend a science module on data collection and visualization. In these sessions you will:
Find more information and register here. |
Sept 2015 |
Sept. 11-13, 2015
NERD Summit 9:00AM -4:50 PM
Pre-registration required. Learn with the local tech community at a 3-day conference of talks, workshops, coding challenges, food, and fun! NERD Summit is an expansion of the traditional learning camp and its intended audience. Running on a larger scale than typical camps, the weekend will include Drupal, Wordpress, Beginner Intros, a Job Fair, Panel Discussions, BOFs and Makerspace. Sponsors will be present throughout the weekend. Childcare is available on Saturday and Sunday for age 18 months to 10 years old. Parking on campus (except in the Garage) is free on Saturday and Sunday. Parking vouchers that cap parking in the Garage at $5/day are available.
Find more information and register here. |
Sept. 16, 2015 |
CSTA #CSK8 Twitter Chat: Back to School with new lessons and tools Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015 8:00PM EST
The CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association) K8 Task force is restarting its CSK8 chats. Anyone interested in Computer Science in K-8 is invited to participate. Chats will be held every other Wednesday for the rest of the year. This week's topic is "Back to School with new lessons and tools." |
Sept. 22-Dec. 15 |
Introduction to Computer Science 4:00PM -5:00PM
Pre-registration required. This 13-week course is Holyoke Codes' version of CS50, Harvard University's introduction to computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, and is suitable for teenagers and adults. No programming experience necessary, but a certain level of commitment is required. This is a self-paced course and is not graded, though it is possible to receive a certificate from HarvardX if you wish. What you'll learn:
Each week, we will watch online lectures by David Malan, on our own, and then meet at the MGHPCC to discuss the weeks topics, answer questions, and work on the problem sets.
Find more information and register here. |
Sept. 29, 2015 |
Lab Night Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015 5:30PM-7:30PM
Pre-registration required. Stop by and play with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 or WeDo robotics kits, work on a Scratch project with some friends, get some help learning HTML, Javascript, or another programming language, learn how to create your own Minecraft mods, write mobile apps for Android with App Inventor, or bring something you’ve been working that you’d like to share! This will be an unstructured opportunity for you to come explore, play with things, ask questions, and meet people.
Find more information and register here. |
August 2015 |
August 3-7, 2015
Workshop: Exploring Computer Science Summer PD
Pre-registration required. Workshops for this summer are full. To inquire about ECS for 2016-17, contact your regional MECSP Hub (below) |
August 10-12, 2015
Workshop: Bootstrap-Videogame Programming with Algebra McCarthy Campus Center
Pre-registration required. Discover how to teach algebraic and geometric concepts through computer programming using Bootstrap, a curricular module for students ages 12-16. Massachusetts math and computer science/technology teachers are invited to sign up for this interactive 3-day workshop, taught by Emma Youndtsmith and Rosanna Sobota, Regional Managers of Bootstrap. Bonus: Go home with a videogame that you created!
Find more information and register here. |
juLY 2015 |
July 13-15, 2015
Project GUTS Teacher Workshop
July 16, 2015
First LEGO League Coaches Connect Workshop 100 Bigelow Street
Lunch and refreshments provided. Note on your registration form if you require a certificate of completion. Laptops that support LEGO Mindstorms NXT, robot kits, will be provided for the day. Free onsite parking available.
Find more information and register here.
July 21-23, 2015
Workshop: Data Science with iSENSE
Pre-registration required. Educators who expect to teach a high school-level CS course during the 2015-2016 year are invited to sign up for the “Data Science with iSENSE” workshop at UMass Lowell. This workshop will engage teachers in data science activities that they can bring to their students in CS Principles and other high school computer science courses. The workshop will use iSENSE, a cloud and browser-based collaborative data visualization system. Participants will work with iSENSE's APIs for popular programming languages, including Python, Java, C++, and App Inventor.
In the upcoming school year, Engaging Computing Group + Machine Science will support you in implementing your module with your students. For implementing and reporting on your work, $250 stipends are available for the 2015–2016 academic year. |
July 21-23, 2015
Workshop: Bio-Simulation Tuesday, July 21 – Thursday, July 23, 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Pre-registration required. This program offers a unique professional development experience that integrates biology topics (the relationship between native pollinators, native flowers, and pesticides) with computer science (programming simulations). Participants will learn about local pollinators and their importance in natural and agroecosystems (classroom and outdoor activities). Participants will then learn how to design and create simple computer simulations, and use simulations to address important ecological questions such as human impacts on pollinator-plant relationships. On the third day, educators apply what they have learned toward the design of a standard-based lesson plan draft that ties the study of ecosystem function with computer science simulations. The PD is led by Dr. Liz Ryder and Dr. Robert J. Gegear from WPI’s Biology & Biotechnology department.
Find more information and register here. |
june 2015 |
June 5-7, 2015 |
Hack for Western Mass Friday, June 5 - Sunday, June 7, 2015 UMass Center at Springfield, Tower Square
Designers, developers, bloggers, community activitsts, and anyone who lives in Western Mass are invited to the 2015 Hack for Western Mass, a civic hackathon where developers, designers, and community members meet and solve local challenges with the help of technology. You don't need to be a programmer to participate. A Youth Hackathon for children of all ages is also scheduled for the weekend. Bring your laptop and charger. Free meals, snacks, and coffee included to fuel you while you're working!
Register here. For updates, follow @HackforWestMA. Questions? Email |
June 6, 2015 | K-5 Workshop Saturday, June 6, 2015 9:00AM - 4:30PM UMass Amherst - Computer Science Building Rm 150-51
Pre-registration required. Elementary school teachers (grades K-5) are invited to sign up for an invaluable high-quality professional development workshop led by K-5 Affiliates, who are experienced computer science educators. This full day workshop will prepare you to teach the Code Studio courses for grades K-5. The curriculum includes 20 fun and accessible lessons that introduce computer science basics, including some activities that don't require a computer. Following the workshop, will send each attendee a set of classroom supplies to use for teaching the code curriculum.
May 2015 |
May 2, 2015 | K-5 Workshop Saturday, May 2, 2015 9:00AM - 4:30PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
Pre-registration required. Elementary school teachers (grades K-5) are invited to sign up for an invaluable high-quality professional development workshop led by K-5 Affiliates, who are experienced computer science educators. This full day workshop will prepare you to teach the Code Studio courses for grades K-5. The curriculum includes 20 fun and accessible lessons that introduce computer science basics, including some activities that don't require a computer. Following the workshop, will send each attendee a set of classroom supplies to use for teaching the code curriculum.
May 9, 2015
Scratch Day Meetup for Educators Saturday, May 9, 2015 8:45AM - 12:00PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
Meet up and connect with other educators who are using Scratch successfully in classrooms in western Massachusetts! The meetup is free and includes lunch. Parking at MGHPCC is convenient and free. Bring your own laptop (BYOL). A limited number of laptops will be available to borrow. You'll have opportunities to: * share strategies for integrating Scratch into classroom practice
Find more information and register here. |
May 9, 2015
Scratch Day Saturday, May 9, 2015 9:00AM - 1:00PM MIT Media Lab
General public
May 11-15, 2015 |
NSF 2015 Teaching & Learning Showcase
Take a peek into the world of STEM education research by checking out this showcase of more than 100 videos, including that of UMass Research Team, Dr. Florence Sullivan, Dr. Rick Adrion, Kevin Keith, and Ricardo Poza: Microgenetic Learning Analytics. This five-day event highlights innovative work being funded by the National Science Foundation in education. Join the conversation about the latest research to improve STEM and computer science teaching and learning at View videos of interest, post questions to the presenters, join the discussions that are taking place around each video, and vote for your favorite videos via facebook, twitter, or email ballot. And please spread the word about this event to friends, family and colleagues!
If you have any feedback or comments, please send them to |
May 29, 2015 |
Workshop: An Introduction to "The Beauty and Joy of Computing," an AP Computer (CS) Principles Course in 2016 Friday, May 29, 2015 9:00AM - 3:00PM Education Development Center
This workshop will introduce teachers to the curriculum and the programming language of "The Beauty and Joy of Computing," a computer science course for high school that follows the College Board AP CS Principles framework but goes beyond it in exploring powerful programming techniques such as recursion and higher order functions.
Based on the version developed at UC Berkeley for their breadth course for non-CS majors, the course is only half programing; the other half concerns the social applications of computers, including the ones that appeal to students: social networking, games, and cell phones. The programming part of the course uses Snap!, a visual drag-anddrop language based on Scratch but extended with first class procedures, firstclass lists, and (soon) first class objects including sprites, costumes, and sounds.
Bring your Own Laptop. Please RSVP to Mari Dobson, |
APR 2015 |
April 3, 2015
Computer Science Department Lunch Talk: Big Data, Playful Learning and Interaction Design Smith College, Ford 241
Dr. Florian Block, Research Associate at the SDR Lab at Harvard University, will present on the DeepTree museum exhibit, an interactive visualization of over 70,000 species and their shared evolutionary history, which has been on display in four national history museums across the U.S.. The talk will focus on the novel visualization techniques used to make the large tree of life dataset accesible to a lay audience, as well as the pivotal role of interaction design to facilitate collaborate engagement around interactive tabletops. Block will discuss how large datasets can enicee and emotionally engage a wide spectrum of learners, foster self-directed exploration and learning, and provide open-ended experiences that inherently adapt to users' level of understanding.
April 4-12, 2015
National Robotics Week
April 4, 2015
Scratch Educator's Meetup Kennedy-Longfellow School, Cambridge
Scratch Educator Meetups are held every first Saturday of the month during the 2014-2015 school year. The meetup is free, includes lunch, free parking in the school lot, and may count towards PDP hours. Educators from the same school, program, etc. are encouraged to attend together as a group. Bring your own laptop (BYOL). You'll have opportunities to: * share strategies for integrating Scratch into classroom practice
Find more information and register here.
April 11, 2015
Science QUEST Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:30AM – 3:40PM Integrated Science Building (ISB)
-See and do hands-on science-related activities, demonstrations, lab tours and mini-experiments * Learn about the cutting-edge research going on at UMass * Meet UMass professors, grad students, and like-minded peers * Have lunch for free at UMass' award-winning dining facilities * See why UMass consistently ranks in the top tier of public research universities
Students may come on their own, with a parent, or with a teacher on a class field trip. Pre- registration is requested of all attendees to ensure adequate space and materials. Find more information and register here.
April 11, 2015
STEM Super Saturday for Elementary School Educators Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:00AM – 12:30PM Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science at WPI
* Simulation in Biology * STEM for ALL! Integrated STEM Activities for Diverse Learners * Computer Aided Design (CAD) and 3D Printing *Volcano Voyagers *Blowing in the Wind: Exploring the Environment through Data Analysis
Pre- registration by April 3 is requested to ensure adequate space and materials but walk-ins will be welcomed. For more information and to register, contact Jackie Bonneau at or Shari Weaver at
April 18, 2015
Artbotics Workshop Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:30AM – 12:30PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
April 21, 2015
Scratch Treasure Hunt Workshop for Girls Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:30PM – 3:30PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
April 23, 2015
VSim: a Prototype for Interaction with 3D Content Thursday, April 23, 2015 1:00PM – 2:00PM UMass Campus Center, Room 168C
MAR 2015 |
Mar. 28, 2015
Girls Connect: LEGO Robotics Day Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:30AM - 4:30PM Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, contact |
Mar. 28, 2015
Introduction to Electronic Art Workshop Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:00AM - 2:30PM Amherst Media |
This hands-on workshop for youths of all ages focuses on creative interactive drawings with simple electronics. Participants will be guided through the process of building paper circuits as they learn about conductivity, LED's, making DIY switches, and debugging. Once they become familiar with the process of crafting a circuit, participants will be encouraged to tell their own stories with light. Pre-register by March 27. Registration fee includes Chibitronic sticker circuit kit and lunch.
Find more information and register here. |
Mar. 28, 2015
Salvius the Life-Sized Robot Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:00AM - 2:30PM Amherst Media
Salvius is a six foot robot built using recycled parts. (Learn more about Salvius at Salvius’ creator, Gunther Cox, will visit Amherst Media to discuss the process of designing and building Salvius and then participants will be invited to help make him even more interactive. Come learn more about sensors, coding, and robotics as we all work together to make Salvius interact with his environment. Makers of all levels are invited to attend. Pre-register by March 27. Registration feel includes lunch.
Find more information and register here. |
Mar. 31, 2015
UMass STEM Ed Seminar: Mobile Platform for Data Capture and Use in the Class and Beyond Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:00PM UMass Amherst Hasbrouck 113
Luk Hendrik of AECERN, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, will give a hands-on introduction to the AECERN Discovery Hub, and discuss its progress and how educators can collaborate with AECERN. AECERN is a non-profit education organization that is exploring how technology can help by providing tools and structure to guide and facilitate data capture and use, both in the classroom and beyond. In collaboration with teachers in MA and throughout the US, AECERN is building the Aecern Discovery Hub, a free learning platform that prompts students to capture discoveries they make through a mobile app (for iPad, iPhone only at this time). Their discoveries are automatically made available to them online through the Aecern website, where they can be reviewed, shared, and incorporated into learning activities. Teachers can either build their own version of the Aecern app, or use one designed by the Aecern community of discovery educators.
This event is free of charge. Parking is available in the Campus Center Garage. For more information, email Marie Silver |
Oct 2014 |
Oct. 27, 2014
Women in Engineering and Computing Career Day Monday, Oct. 27, 2014 8:30AM to 1:30PM UMASS Amherst
An event for high school girls interested in the field of engineering and computing, as well as counselors and teachers. Highlights of the day include hands-on activities, technology demonstrations, alumni and student panel, and on-campus facilities tours.
More information: |
JUN 2014 |
June 4, 2014 |
Pioneer Valley STEMNetwork Presents: Feeding the Computer Science/IT Pipeline: June 4, 2014 3:30PM Holyoke Comm. College, Kittredge Ctr. Room 301/303
Who should be attending this event? Education, Workforce, and Economic Development Professionals, Government, Businesses
Join us for a follow up to our successful IT/CS Symposium in February on the crisis in IT/CS workforce and education pathways, invited panelists will provide model solutions, followed by a discussion of next steps SPEAKERS:
For more information:, 413-545-0734, |
apr 2014 |
April 3, 2014
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 3, 2014 9AM - 4:30PM MGHPCC
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, contact |
mar 2014 |
March 29, 2014
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, March 29, 2014 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, contact |
feb 2014 |
Februar 14, 2014
The Computer Workforce in Western Mass: A Critical Shortage? February 14, 2014 3:00 PM
Keynote Speaker: Richard Adrion, UMass Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Director of CAITE (Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education) Panelists:Delcie Bean, President, Paragus IT and Director of Tech Foundry;Jackie Fallon President, FIT Solutions, Who Should Attend? Policy makers and interested professionals in K-16 education, workforce training, business and non profits sectors
Oct 2013 |
October 19, 2013
Robotics and Science Workshop Saturday, October 19, 2013 9:00AM to 1:00PM Olsen Hall, UMass Lowell
This free hands-on workshop will demonstrate building robots, data collection, and visualization-a science module. Both sessions are designed for potential classroom implementation. Workshop participants will: |
SEP 2013 |
September 17, 2013
Reforming K20 Computer Science Education in Massachusetts: Issues, Options, and Challenges Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:00pm UMass Amherst Hasbrouk 139
Rick Adrion, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, presents this UMass STEM Ed Seminar on Computer Science Education. This talk will be of interest to K20 educators, parents, business and industry, students, and policymakers who’ve been following the buzz around computing education in Massachusetts (e.g. Boston Globe 6/11-12 , 7/3, 9/9) and beyond.
This event is free of charge. Parking is available in the Campus Center Garage. For more information email Marie Silver |
August 2013 |
August 6, 2013
FIRST LEGO League Coach Connect Workshop August 6
August 13-16, 2013
August 13-16
August 16, 2013
August 16
When: Friday, Aug. 16, 2013, 12:45– 3 pm (optional tours, 3-4 pm) Where: Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) 100 Bigelow St., Holyoke, MA Who: You + fellow K12 computer science educators + higher education faculty + CAITE and CSTA representatives Cost: $0 + free on-site parking How: Sponsored by the Expanded Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance, CAITE, and MGHPCC Preregistration required by August 6: |
July 2013 |
July 13, 2013
July 13 |
July 24-26, 2013
July 24 - 26 |
MAY 2013 |
Scratch Day MIT Saturday, May 18, 2013 10AM - 1PM MIT Media Lab, Cambridge
Meet, share, and learn with Boston-area Scratchers at Scratch Day MIT 2013! Young people, teachers, and parents are all welcome to participate. You’ll have opportunities to: Please bring your own laptop. (Unfortunately, Scratch does not run on tablets.)
Find the details at and register at Space is limited! |
APRIL 2013 |
April 6, 2013 |
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 6, 2013 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, please go here |
April 6, 2013 |
S.E.T. in the City for HS Girls Saturday, April 6, 2013 9AM - 5PM Boston University
For the fifth annual S.E.T. in the City- A Day of Career Exploration in Science,Engineering & Technology for High School Girls, students will start the day at Boston University and travel to area venues including Biogen Idec, Harvard, Emmanuel, Northeastern, Simmons, or Wentworth for lunch and laboratory activities. Participating students will take part in hands-on activities, hear from and interact with students and professionals in SET fields, learn about cutting edge research that will change the world, and find out how to prepare for careers in Science, Engineering, and Technology. The cost of attending is $10.00. Interested students may pre-register for the event online at |
April 6-14, 2013 |
National Robotics Week
April 12, 2013 |
STEP to Success in STEM Conference Mass Bay Community College
CAITE will be presenting a session on supplementary instruction as best practice in introductory computer science/STEM classes. Participants in this session will learn about SI as a promising intervention to increase pass rates and grades, examine models for implementation and assessment, talk with faculty and a student who have participated, and consider if and how to start SI or similar forms of peer-led academic support on their own campuses. |
April 27, 2013 |
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 27, 2013 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, please go here |
MARCH 2013 |
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 27, 2013 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, please go here |
March 28, 2013 |
Community College Day Thursday, March 28, 2013 9:30AM - 2:30PM UMASS Amherst
The College of Engineering and the School of Computer Science/ CAITE at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invite Community College students and faculty to attend this program for a fantastic opportunity to discover the new opportunities and initiatives that the college will offer in the coming years. |
DEC 2012 |
December 9-15, 2012 |
CS Ed Week
December 18, 2012 |
How to Run a Summer Camp Workshop Tuesday, December 18, 2012 10AM to 3PM Devens Common Center, Devens MA
This workshop is open to MA college and university faculty & staff who want to develop, host, and organize financially sustainable summer computing camps (new or ongoing).
To register or receive more information, please contact |
NOV 2012 |
November 6, 2012 |
C4C: Counselors for Computing Workshop 8:30am – 2:00pm Boston University
A workshop for school guidance counselors, C4C by NCWIT raises awareness about careers in computing and gives counselors tools for working with students. Contact Renee Fall, |
OCT 2012 |
Ongoing |
This season’s Technovation Challenge is launching for high school girls (age 13-18)! Guided by online curriculum and female mentors, girls work in teams to develop mobile phone apps and pitch their app to a panel of experts. Regional winners go on to the Technovation World Pitch event, where prizes include $10,000 in funding and support to get their app on the market! This program is run by Iridescent, a science education non-profit - and there is no cost to enroll.
Find out about opportunities for students, teachers, and mentors at |
October 29, 2012 |
Women in Engineering & Computing Career Day
An event hosted by the College of Engineering Diversity Programs Office in cooperation with CAITE and the UMass Amherst Computer Science Department. The program is intended for high school girls interested in the field of engineering and computing (up to 10 may attend per school), and accompanying guidance counselors & teachers.
Space is limited; registration ends October 15, 2012. Questions: |
SEPT 2012 |
September 15, 2012 |
C4C: Counselors for Computing Workshop 8:30am – 2:00pm Boston University
A workshop for school guidance counselors, C4C by NCWIT raises awareness about careers in computing and gives counselors tools for working with students. Contact Renee Fall, |
AUG 2012 |
August 8, 2012
Advanced iJava Workshop
If you have used iJava before, or if you are a skilled Java programmer, then this one day workshop on advanced aspects of iJava is the event for you. The workshop will emphasize iJava’s approach to some of the more advanced topics that are covered in the text, including inheritance, files, interfaces, and GUIs. The workshop will also present some of iJava’s features for grading, record-keeping and class monitoring. To register, go to: |
August 7, 2012
FLL Coach Connect Workshop
Training for parents, educators, youth-organization leaders who want to organize and coach FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams for robotics competitions. Participants will learn how to build and program LEGO Mindstorms NXT robots, learn more about FLL and team-building. For more information and to register for this fun, hands-on workshop, go to
August 7, 2012
Introduction to iJava Workshop
CAITE is offering a workshop by UMass Amherst Computer Science Professor Robert Moll, the inventor of iJava, on Monday, August 6. This workshop covers the principal features of the text and associated course from the perspective of both students and instructors. Various iJava teaching tactics are discussed, and their relevancy for high school and community college classes are highlighted.
More about iJava: |
SEPT 2012 |
September 15, 2012 |
C4C: Counselors for Computing Workshop 8:30am – 2:00pm Boston University
A workshop for school guidance counselors, C4C by NCWIT raises awareness about careers in computing and gives counselors tools for working with students. Contact Renee Fall, |
July 2012 |
July 31 - Aug.2, 2012 |
CS4HS: A workshop and conference on Computer Science for middle and high school teachers
3-day, hands-on workshop and conference for regional middle- and high-shcool CS, math, and technology teachers. Workshop on App Inventor and the Finch Robot, panels on equity and advocacy in CS, talks on CS pedagogy including the new CS Principles course, and more. More details, including how to register, are at Event co-organizers: |
July 16 - 20, 2012 July 23 - 27, 2012 |
COMPUTER CAMP! University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Summer Camp in Fun Exploration of Robotics and Game Design Dr. Jan Bergandy, CIS Chairperson & Camp Director Sponsored by Computer Science Department & Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Campus Session 1: July 16-20, 2012 Session 2: July 23-27, 2012 You will work in teams to design a simple computer game, to make the robots move the way you want them to, and to tell a story through computer animation. You will work in teams with our teachers and students and on the last day show your parents how smart and talented you are and what you have accomplished. You will make new friends, have fun, and experience the value of teamwork. |
July 9 - 21, 2012
Summer Robotics Camp Springfield Technical Community College
The Summer Robotics Camp at STCC introduces students to robotics, computer tools, engineering, and art in a hands-on way that encourages problem-solving and team-building. Located on 35 acres of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, camps include fun activities, campus tours, and field trip |
June 29, 2012 |
FLL Coach Connect Workshop
Training for parents, educators, youth-organization leaders who want to organize and coach FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams for robotics competitions. Participants will learn how to build and program LEGO Mindstorms NXT robots, learn more about FLL and team-building. For more information and to register for this fun, hands-on workshop, go to |
June 27 - 28, 2012 |
Artbotics: Tutorial and Best Practices
Educators can choose to participate in either or both days. Day Two will include those who are already using Artbotics. The 2-day workshop will address the needs of those that have not yet been trained in Artbotics, on Day 1, and will offer further support, professional development, and sharing opportunities to those who are already implementing Artbotics, on Day 2. People new to Artbotics will gain experience on the first day. |
June 27-Aug. 15, 2012 |
BATEC Summer Institutes
The Summer Institutes are no cost, professional development courses offered for technology high school teachers and college faculty in Massachusetts. Courses will be offered at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, Quinsigamond Community College, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and the University of Massachusetts Boston.
For a complete list of offerings, please visit |
June 25- 26, 2012 |
Incorporating Computing Concepts into Curriculum Frameworks: Prof. Dev. Workshop for MS and HS educators Worcester State University
The workshop - Incorporating Computing Concepts in Curriculum Frameworks is free of cost and is geared towards middle school and high school teachers. Please consider attending the workshop. If you have questions, please send email to Find out more at: Registration deadline is June 1st. |
april 2012 |
April 7-15, 2012 |
National Robotics Week
The third annual National Robotics Week will be held from April 7-15, 2012 with a series of regional events and activities aimed at increasing public awareness of robotics technology as a pillar of 21st century American innovation. The week highlights the growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas and emphasizes its ability to inspire students while building their interest in STEM areas and innovation. From Palo Alto to the National Mall in D.C. to Boston, events held throughout the week will feature dozens of opportunities for the public to interact with robots in a hands-on learning environment. Panel discussions, robotics competitions, introductory courses on robotics for kids, educational workshops for businesses, demos and tours of innovative labs will provide networking opportunities and expose many to the genius and wonder of robotics. National Robotics Week was founded by leading universities and companies, and established with assistance from the Congressional Caucus on Robotics by a U.S. House of Representatives resolution. |
mar 2012 |
March 14, 2012 |
Holyoke Community College Career Exploration Fair 8:30am-11:30am Bartley Center, Holyoke Community College
High school students from nearby schools will visit the college to explore STEM-related career pathways in business, education, health, engineering, IT, computing, and more. Representatives from schools and industry will showcase these careers through hands-on demonstrations, discussions, and simulations. For more information, contact the Cooperative Education and Career Services office at 413-552-2322. |
March 24, 2012 |
Holyoke Community College Career Exploration Fair 8:30am-11:30am Bartley Center, Holyoke Community College
High school students from nearby schools will visit the college to explore STEM-related career pathways in business, education, health, engineering, IT, computing, and more. Representatives from schools and industry will showcase these careers through hands-on demonstrations, discussions, and simulations. For more information, contact the Cooperative Education and Career Services office at 413-552-2322. |
March 29,012 |
UMass Amherst Community College Day 9am registration UMass Amherst Lincoln Campus Center
Potential Engineering and Computer Science transfer students are invited to UMass Amherst to learn about opportunities in the College of Engineering and Department of Computer Science. For more information, contact Cheryl Kiras at |
July - August 2011 |
July - August, 2011 |
BATEC Summer Institutes
The BATEC Summer Institutes will be held July and August in Summer 2011. This year, courses will be held at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, and other locations to be announced. Courses and registration information will be made available soon at this website.
June 2011 |
June 29, 2011 |
STREAM 2011 Interactive Workshop (K-12 educators)
STREAM 2011 will be held at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, MA on June 29, 2011 from 8:00am to 5:00pm. STREAM is a workshop to help K-12 educators utilize robotics as they teach STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects. This workshop will provide educators the opportunity to explore how they might use robotics in their own STEM instruction through interactive exercises, as well as through presentations by other educators currently using robotics as a way to teach STEM. The STREAM workshop is organized by UMass Lowell and iRobot. Click here for more information.
June 27-28, 2011 |
"CS4HS" (Computer Sciece for High School)
CS4HS (Computer Science for High School) is an initiative sponsored by Google to promote Computer Science and Computational Thinking in secondary schools. UMass Lowell has received a 2011 CS4HS grant from Google's Education Group, and is delighted to offer a 2-day, hands-on workshop to regional middle- and high-school computer science, mathematics, and technology teachers. Our goals are to provide teachers with (1) ideas they can immediately bring into their teaching; (2) a forum to share approaches with each other; and (3) an opportunity to meet our faculty and see what we can offer their students. For more information, click here. To register you must complete an online form.
June 23-24, 2011 |
Incorporating Computing Concepts in Curriculum Frameworks
This workshop provides educators with computing-related activities that can be integrated into the classroom and these activities can be used within the current curriculum frameworks for Math, Science and Technology. This workshop will be held at Worcester State College and will discuss the range of careers in computing and IT and what preparation is necessary for students to pursue these careers. Interested educators should submit the registration form to Karl Wurst either via email or fax 508-929-8156 no later than June 4, 2011. The workshop will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Breakfast and lunch will be served on both days. See website for additional details. Limited funding assistance for accommodations is available for those educators who live more than an hour drive away. The ICCCF workshop is organized and funded by CAITE, NSF BPC and Worcester State College. |
april 2011 |
April 1, 2011 |
High Tech College Fair (CAITE-BATEC) Roxbury Community College |
April 3-5, 2011 |
Tapia Diversity in Computing Conference The 2011 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing is the sixth in a series of conferences, its ten year anniversary! The program includes stellar invited speakers, a student poster competition, a daylong Doctoral Consortium, a session featuring a choice of attractions unique to San Francisco, a gala banquet and dance, and many exciting networking opportunities. |
April 9, 2011 |
Botfest Exhibition and Botball Robotics Competition Botfest is an open-ended robotics exhibition that complements competitive events by allowing greater room for creative expression. It is intended to appeal to a wide range of robot enthusiasts, from novices to experts. Lowell middle school students who participated in the CAITE sponsored year-long Botfest After-School Program will exhibit their creations at the annual Botfest exhibit. A number of other schools will be participating as well. The exhibition will take place in Costello Gym from 11am-1:30 pm. For more information, go to The highly spirited and competetive Botball tournament will take place from 9am-5pm, sharing the same gymnasium with the Botfest exhibition. Both events are free and open to the public. Refreshments available for purchase. |
April 9, 2011 |
New England Undergraduate Comptuing Symposium New England Undergraduate Computing Symposium |
April 16, 2011 |
One-day introduction to FIRST LEGO League for teams of girls across Western Mass. Pre-application and registration required due to limited space. |
march 2011 |
March 5, 2011
ELA Multi-cultural Computing Brunch Howard Thurman Cntr, Lower Level, George Sherman Union, 775 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA
March 16, 2011 |
Hampden-Hampshire Tech Prep Career Fair 400 students from Western Mass. learn about future careers. CAITE will demo computer science/IT careers. For more info: HCC Tech Prep, 413-552-2387.
March 24, 2011 |
UMA Computer Science & College of Engineering invite prospective CC transfer students and CC faculty and advisors. Registration required.
february 2011 |
Feb 1, 2011 |
This annual event is a collaboration with high schools in the Bristol CC area that brings students together to compete in a programming contest.
Feb 2, 2011 |
Bristol CC will bring middle school students onto campus to encourage them to think about computing as a career, going to college and becoming involved in math to open up more possibilities.
jan 2011 |
January 8, 2011 |
Botball is a 2-day professional Development Educator's Workshop where participants learn to use robotics as an inqiry-based tools, real-world programming languages, content knowledge and engineering skills building a working demo robot, and current components in the Botball kit and game challenge. There is a workshop over the following 7-9 weeks, a tournament, and a follow up Global Conference on Education Robotics.
Jan 21-22, 2011 |
dec 2010 |
Dec 5-11, 2010 |
CS Ed Week |
Dec 6, 2010 |
CS Teacher Meeting UMass Amherst, CS150 As part of CSEd week CAITE will be hosting a community meeting for middle and high school computer science teachers at UMass Amherst.
Dec 7, 2010 |
Career Exploration Day--Computer Science Panel Career Exploration Day: 9:00am-1:45pm, Dec 7, 2010 allows local area high school juniors and seniors visit GCC. This year, from 10:00-10:45 a panel of computer science college students and computer/IT professionals will discuss their education, work, and what they like about being in the computer science field. All students will attend this plenary before visiting the GCC class of their choice, and going to an event in an area of interest. Engineer Speaker Day, an annual event in which local engineers talk about their work and education, will be held the same day from 1:00-3:00 in Sloan theater. High school students are welcome join GCC engineering students in this event as well. |
Dec 8, 2010 |
STEM Poster Session and Ice Cream Party A STEM Poster Session and Ice Cream Party will be held today at Middlesex Community College. Students from STEM and computer science classes will present their research and projects. |
Dec 9, 2010
Free Webinar: Blending Traditional & Online Learning 101 Join us on December 9, 2010 for our free webinar, "Blending Traditional and Online Learning 101: Best Practices to Get Your School Started." Presenters Gregg Levin, Vice President of Schools and Solutions – Aventa Learning/K12 Inc., and Kelly Schwirzke, Coordinator of Instructional Technology – Santa Clara County of Education, will offer real-world examples of how schools can successfully incorporate a hybrid model to: • Attract and/or retain students and teachers Space is limited. Register today! Aventa Learning is now part of K12 Inc., the nation’s leading provider of online learning for grades K-12. |
Dec 10-11, 2010 |
Robots Exhibition at The Springfield Museums An educational, fun and exciting exhibit featuring the characters of the movie Robots. Take an adventure through this mechanical world. See how robots can better our lives today and in the future.
As part of CS Ed Week, CAITE is sponsoring a special admission fee waiver to the Robots Exhibition at The Springfield Museums on Dec. 10 & 11 only. Bring your middle and high school students to explore the exhibit... FREE of charge! |
NOV 2010 |
Nov 21, 2010 |
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award Ceremony Sponsored by Bank of America, the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Each qualified national awardee will receive: Time of the ceremony TBA |
Nov 14, 2010 |
Workshops for Girl Scouts at Middlesex Community College Math Moves U workshop will be held on November 14 at MCC. In addition, 55 minute "Alice" workshops will be given to 300 girl scounts in 6 concurrent sessions by Raytheon software engineers and MCC faculty. Heather Bryne, a UMass Lowell grad student will be one of the closing speakers. |
Nov 14, 2010 |
"MathMoves U," STEM middle school student event This full-day, STEM outreach event is a collaboration with Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass and Middlesex Community College. One of three themes for the day will be computer science for which Engineers from Raytheon will lead 15 "Alice" programing workshops for about 350 girls in 4th - 8th grade. For more information please contact Margaret Bleichman at MCC. |
oct 2010 |
Oct 30, 2010 |
CS Unplugged Workshop at CSTA/ CS Professional Development Day Karl Wurst and Aparna Mahadev, faculty at Worcester State College, will be leading a CS Unplugged workshop from 1-3 pm at the Mass. Tech. Collaborative Center in Worcester, MA, on 10/30 as part of the CSTA/ CS Professional Development Day. This workshop provides educators with computing-related activities that can be integrated into the classroom and these activities can be used within the current curriculum frameworks for Math, Science and Technology. The workshop will also discuss the range of careers in computing and IT and what preparation is necessary for students to pursue these careers. |
Oct 25, 2010 |
Women in Engineering Career Day Conference This year’s Career Day is particularly exciting as we are honored to have UMASS Dartmouth alum Dr. Lisa Hubbard, a Senior Engineering Manager in the Systems Architecture and Design Directorate at Raytheon. In addition to this presentation, two interactive activities will be conducted with the students to allow them to build fully operational engineering projects. Register early as spots fill up quickly! |
Oct 15, 2010 |
NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Are you a young, high-school woman who has had several computer-related achievements? If so you are eligible to apply for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing which serves to promote and acknowledge the efforts of young women interested in computer science and information technology. "The “NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing” acknowledges the computing achievements and aspirations of young women, and generates visibility for women’s participation in computing-related pursuits." For detailed information on the award process, components and criteria read more here! |
sept 2010 |
Sept 29 - Oct 2, 2010 |
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing |
Sept 27, 2010
Dot Diva's mission is to create an exciting and positive image of computing for high school girls. Their nationwide survey revealed that not only do the majority of girls think of computing as "boring" and "hard," but they believe it fails to deliver two crucial benefits: "working with others" and "making a difference in other people's lives." Dot Diva's ultimate goal is to transform this negative perception. |
aug 2010 |
August, 2010 |
The BATEC Summer Institutes will be held July and August in Summer 2010. This year, courses will be held at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, Quinsigamond Community College and the University of Massachusetts Boston. New topics being planned include: Analytics, Cloud Computing, Dreamweaver/Flash/Photoshop, Internet Security, iJava, Information Storage, IT Essentials, IT Problem Solving, Office 2010/Windows 7, Programming for the Android, Social Networking Tools, Virtualization and others. Courses and registration information will be made available on this website soon. For more information on past Summer Institutes, please click here. |
july 2010 |
July, 2010 |
The BATEC Summer Institutes will be held July and August in Summer 2010. This year, courses will be held at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, Quinsigamond Community College and the University of Massachusetts Boston. New topics being planned include: Analytics, Cloud Computing, Dreamweaver/Flash/Photoshop, Internet Security, iJava, Information Storage, IT Essentials, IT Problem Solving, Office 2010/Windows 7, Programming for the Android, Social Networking Tools, Virtualization and others. Courses and registration information will be made available on this website soon. For more information on past Summer Institutes, please click here. |
june 2010 |
June 28-29, 2010 |
This workshop provides educators with computing-related activities that can be integrated into the classroom and these activities can be used within the current curriculum frameworks for Math, Science and
Interested educators should submit the registration form to Karl Wurst
June 24-25, 2010 |
STREAM is a two day, hands-on workshop to help K-12 educators utilize robotics as they teach STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects. This workshop will provide educators the opportunity to explore how they might use robotics in their own STEM instruction through interactive sessions as well as through presentations by other educators currently using robotics as a way to teach STEM. Representatives of local technology companies will also describe potential careers for students interested in robotics and STEM disciplines.
The workshop will be held at iRobot in Bedford, MA from June 24—25, 2010. For the schedule and more information visit this link. |
June 16-18, 2010 |
Mark Guzdial will be returning to Massachusetts to present a Media Computation workshop. The goal of this workshop is to introduce techniques that might be integrated into introductory courses in computing with a goal of attracting and engaging a broader range of students. We will be using Alice and Media Computation. Both approaches motivate and engage students by contextualizing computing in a relevant activity.
This workshop will be held in Boston. |
June 14-15, 2010 |
From Visual Programing to Media: Getting Students Excited About the First Course Mark Guzdial of Georgia Computes! will be returning to Massachusetts to present a First Courses in Computing workshop. The workshop will teach approaches to introducing computing that engage a broad range of students. It will include brief introductions to visual programming in Alice and Scratch, and techniques for motivating textual programming in Java and Python for manipulating media.
This first workshop will be held at UMass Amherst. Registration page coming soon! Please visit the Georgia Computes! wiki for further description and agenda for the days. |
June 1, 2010 |
Gaming Professional Development Workshop Cape Cod Community College will be hosting a professional development workshop on gaming this Tuesday. Contact Gail Guarino for more info. |
may 2010 |
May 29, 2010 |
Students from greater Boston and Lowell will compete in Machine Science's fourth annual Robot Sumo Tournament at the Museum of Science Boston on Saturday, May 29, 2010. Stoklosa and Sullivan middle schools of Lowell have been meeting year-round in an after-school technology program sponsored by CAITE. They will contribute to an impressive range of designs and strategies at the tournament. Prizes will be awarded to the top tournament finishers, as well as competitors whose robots are especially creative or thoughtfully programmed.
May 25, 2010 |
Green High Performance Computing Educators Conference With the planned Green High Performance Computing Center to be built in Holyoke, and the effort to attract and retain more IT industry in Massachusetts, educators will be asked to train more students for the IT workforce. Want to start incorporating some of these technologies in your classroom?
This event is organized by community college educators, for community college educators and beyond, will be held at Holyoke Community College 8.30 - 4pm, and is free to attend. Educators in computing, information & communications technology, and engineering fields at community colleges, universities, high schools, and informal education organizations who want to learn about new technologies to incorporate into their curricula.
May 24, 2010 |
This college/ career fair day will include 20 minute hands-on workshops - each workshop to be held twice for students to rotate through. A speakers session will start the day in the morning. |
May 22, 2010 |
Geek Girl Boot Camps are technology "unconferences" for women of all ages and knowledge levels where you can go to take classes on everything to do with computers, PC and Mac, the Internet, marketing, consumer electronics, software, social media, Photoshop, blogging, podcasting, digital photography, and more. Read more about the Workshops and Speakers. geek girl: empowering women, one geek girl at a time |
May 18-20, 2010
NCWIT 2010 Practices Summit: Intel I, Portland, OR
May 15, 2010 |
Springfield Technical Community College will host the 3rd annual video contest event on May 15, 2010. Students will have made a 2 minute video that will show their response to the prompt: "My Roadmap to a Career in Information Technology." Contact Diane Snyder for more info. |
May 12, 2010 |
Anita Borg Systers Award application due The Anita Borg Systers Pass-It-On (PIO) Awards honor Anita Borg’s desire to create a network of technical women helping one another. The cash awards, funded by donations from the Systers Online Community, are intended as means for women established in technological fields to support women seeking their place in the fields of technology. The program is called “Pass-It-On” because it comes with the moral obligation to “pass on” the benefits gained from the award.
Pass-it-on Award applications are open to any woman over 18 years old in or aspiring to be in the fields of computing. Awards are open to women in all countries and range from $500.00 to $1000.00 USD. Applications covering a wide variety of needs and projects are encouraged |
May 11, 2010 |
Springfield Technical Community College will host the 4th annual Senior Projects Day for local high schools. The event will give high school students the opportunity to projects that were based on computers and information technology. Students will arrive in the morning and will be given the opportunity to view the projects and talk to STCC seniors about their projects. Students will also be given talks by STCC faculty with regards to an IT education. Lunch, a quick tour of the campus and a talk by admissions will end the day.
Contact Diane Snyder for more info. |
May 6-7, 2010 |
Politics of Open Source Conference The Journal of Information Technology and Politics is hosting JITP 2010: Politics of Open Source. The conference will kick off with an invited presentation on "Women in Free/Open Source Software Development" by Hanna Wallach, senior postdoctoral research associate at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. |
april 2010 |
April 16-17, 2010 |
CCSCNE 2010 15th Annual Conference
March 23 Submission Deadline for: Programming contest registration, early registration, and hotel cutoff date. |
April 1, 2010 |
Girls Inc/ IT Capstone Course Connection |
April 1, 2010 |
IT Regional Fair 8.30am - 11.30am, Bartley Center at Holyoke Community College |
Mar. 28, 2015
Salvius the Life-Sized Robot Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:00AM - 2:30PM Amherst Media
Salvius is a six foot robot built using recycled parts. (Learn more about Salvius at Salvius’ creator, Gunther Cox, will visit Amherst Media to discuss the process of designing and building Salvius and then participants will be invited to help make him even more interactive. Come learn more about sensors, coding, and robotics as we all work together to make Salvius interact with his environment. Makers of all levels are invited to attend. Pre-register by March 27. Registration feel includes lunch.
Find more information and register here. |
Mar. 31, 2015
UMass STEM Ed Seminar: Mobile Platform for Data Capture and Use in the Class and Beyond Tuesday, March 31, 2015 4:00PM UMass Amherst Hasbrouck 113
Luk Hendrik of AECERN, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, will give a hands-on introduction to the AECERN Discovery Hub, and discuss its progress and how educators can collaborate with AECERN. AECERN is a non-profit education organization that is exploring how technology can help by providing tools and structure to guide and facilitate data capture and use, both in the classroom and beyond. In collaboration with teachers in MA and throughout the US, AECERN is building the Aecern Discovery Hub, a free learning platform that prompts students to capture discoveries they make through a mobile app (for iPad, iPhone only at this time). Their discoveries are automatically made available to them online through the Aecern website, where they can be reviewed, shared, and incorporated into learning activities. Teachers can either build their own version of the Aecern app, or use one designed by the Aecern community of discovery educators.
This event is free of charge. Parking is available in the Campus Center Garage. For more information, email Marie Silver |
Oct 2014 |
Oct. 27, 2014
Women in Engineering and Computing Career Day Monday, Oct. 27, 2014 8:30AM to 1:30PM UMASS Amherst
An event for high school girls interested in the field of engineering and computing, as well as counselors and teachers. Highlights of the day include hands-on activities, technology demonstrations, alumni and student panel, and on-campus facilities tours.
More information: |
JUN 2014 |
June 4, 2014 |
Pioneer Valley STEMNetwork Presents: Feeding the Computer Science/IT Pipeline: June 4, 2014 3:30PM Holyoke Comm. College, Kittredge Ctr. Room 301/303
Who should be attending this event? Education, Workforce, and Economic Development Professionals, Government, Businesses
Join us for a follow up to our successful IT/CS Symposium in February on the crisis in IT/CS workforce and education pathways, invited panelists will provide model solutions, followed by a discussion of next steps SPEAKERS:
For more information:, 413-545-0734, |
Mar. 28, 2015
Introduction to Electronic Art Workshop Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:00AM - 2:30PM Amherst Media |
This hands-on workshop for youths of all ages focuses on creative interactive drawings with simple electronics. Participants will be guided through the process of building paper circuits as they learn about conductivity, LED's, making DIY switches, and debugging. Once they become familiar with the process of crafting a circuit, participants will be encouraged to tell their own stories with light. Pre-register by March 27. Registration fee includes Chibitronic sticker circuit kit and lunch.
Find more information and register here. |
apr 2014 |
April 3, 2014
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 3, 2014 9AM - 4:30PM MGHPCC
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, contact |
mar 2014 |
March 29, 2014
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, March 29, 2014 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, contact |
feb 2014 |
Februar 14, 2014
The Computer Workforce in Western Mass: A Critical Shortage? February 14, 2014 3:00 PM
Keynote Speaker: Richard Adrion, UMass Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Director of CAITE (Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education) Panelists:Delcie Bean, President, Paragus IT and Director of Tech Foundry;Jackie Fallon President, FIT Solutions, Who Should Attend? Policy makers and interested professionals in K-16 education, workforce training, business and non profits sectors
Oct 2013 |
October 19, 2013
Robotics and Science Workshop Saturday, October 19, 2013 9:00AM to 1:00PM Olsen Hall, UMass Lowell
This free hands-on workshop will demonstrate building robots, data collection, and visualization-a science module. Both sessions are designed for potential classroom implementation. Workshop participants will: |
SEP 2013 |
September 17, 2013
Reforming K20 Computer Science Education in Massachusetts: Issues, Options, and Challenges Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4:00pm UMass Amherst Hasbrouk 139
Rick Adrion, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, presents this UMass STEM Ed Seminar on Computer Science Education. This talk will be of interest to K20 educators, parents, business and industry, students, and policymakers who’ve been following the buzz around computing education in Massachusetts (e.g. Boston Globe 6/11-12 , 7/3, 9/9) and beyond.
This event is free of charge. Parking is available in the Campus Center Garage. For more information email Marie Silver |
August 2013 |
August 6, 2013
FIRST LEGO League Coach Connect Workshop August 6
August 13-16, 2013
August 13-16
August 16, 2013
August 16
When: Friday, Aug. 16, 2013, 12:45– 3 pm (optional tours, 3-4 pm) Where: Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) 100 Bigelow St., Holyoke, MA Who: You + fellow K12 computer science educators + higher education faculty + CAITE and CSTA representatives Cost: $0 + free on-site parking How: Sponsored by the Expanded Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance, CAITE, and MGHPCC Preregistration required by August 6: |
July 2013 |
July 13, 2013
July 13 |
July 24-26, 2013
July 24 - 26 |
MAY 2013 |
Scratch Day MIT Saturday, May 18, 2013 10AM - 1PM MIT Media Lab, Cambridge
Meet, share, and learn with Boston-area Scratchers at Scratch Day MIT 2013! Young people, teachers, and parents are all welcome to participate. You’ll have opportunities to: Please bring your own laptop. (Unfortunately, Scratch does not run on tablets.)
Find the details at and register at Space is limited! |
APRIL 2013 |
April 6, 2013 |
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 6, 2013 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, please go here |
April 6, 2013 |
S.E.T. in the City for HS Girls Saturday, April 6, 2013 9AM - 5PM Boston University
For the fifth annual S.E.T. in the City- A Day of Career Exploration in Science,Engineering & Technology for High School Girls, students will start the day at Boston University and travel to area venues including Biogen Idec, Harvard, Emmanuel, Northeastern, Simmons, or Wentworth for lunch and laboratory activities. Participating students will take part in hands-on activities, hear from and interact with students and professionals in SET fields, learn about cutting edge research that will change the world, and find out how to prepare for careers in Science, Engineering, and Technology. The cost of attending is $10.00. Interested students may pre-register for the event online at |
April 6-14, 2013 |
National Robotics Week
April 12, 2013 |
STEP to Success in STEM Conference Mass Bay Community College
CAITE will be presenting a session on supplementary instruction as best practice in introductory computer science/STEM classes. Participants in this session will learn about SI as a promising intervention to increase pass rates and grades, examine models for implementation and assessment, talk with faculty and a student who have participated, and consider if and how to start SI or similar forms of peer-led academic support on their own campuses. |
April 27, 2013 |
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 27, 2013 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, please go here |
MARCH 2013 |
Girls Connect: Introduction to Robotics & FLL Saturday, April 27, 2013 9AM - 4:30PM UMASS Amherst
Pre-registration required. Girls ages 8-13 are invited to attend in teams of 5 to be part of the Western MA Girls Connect event. This cool all-girl introduction to FIRST LEGO League matches you up with coaches and professional engineers to learn how to build and program LEGO robots to do real-world tasks.
To apply or receive more information, please go here |
March 28, 2013 |
Community College Day Thursday, March 28, 2013 9:30AM - 2:30PM UMASS Amherst
The College of Engineering and the School of Computer Science/ CAITE at the University of Massachusetts Amherst invite Community College students and faculty to attend this program for a fantastic opportunity to discover the new opportunities and initiatives that the college will offer in the coming years. |
DEC 2012 |
December 9-15, 2012 |
CS Ed Week
December 18, 2012 |
How to Run a Summer Camp Workshop Tuesday, December 18, 2012 10AM to 3PM Devens Common Center, Devens MA
This workshop is open to MA college and university faculty & staff who want to develop, host, and organize financially sustainable summer computing camps (new or ongoing).
To register or receive more information, please contact |
NOV 2012 |
November 6, 2012
C4C: Counselors for Computing Workshop 8:30am – 2:00pm Boston University
A workshop for school guidance counselors, C4C by NCWIT raises awareness about careers in computing and gives counselors tools for working with students. Contact Renee Fall, |
OCT 2012 |
Ongoing |
This season’s Technovation Challenge is launching for high school girls (age 13-18)! Guided by online curriculum and female mentors, girls work in teams to develop mobile phone apps and pitch their app to a panel of experts. Regional winners go on to the Technovation World Pitch event, where prizes include $10,000 in funding and support to get their app on the market! This program is run by Iridescent, a science education non-profit - and there is no cost to enroll.
Find out about opportunities for students, teachers, and mentors at |
October 29, 2012 |
Women in Engineering & Computing Career Day
An event hosted by the College of Engineering Diversity Programs Office in cooperation with CAITE and the UMass Amherst Computer Science Department. The program is intended for high school girls interested in the field of engineering and computing (up to 10 may attend per school), and accompanying guidance counselors & teachers.
Space is limited; registration ends October 15, 2012. Questions: |
SEPT 2012 |
September 15, 2012 |
C4C: Counselors for Computing Workshop 8:30am – 2:00pm Boston University
A workshop for school guidance counselors, C4C by NCWIT raises awareness about careers in computing and gives counselors tools for working with students. Contact Renee Fall, |
AUG 2012 |
August 8, 2012
Advanced iJava Workshop
If you have used iJava before, or if you are a skilled Java programmer, then this one day workshop on advanced aspects of iJava is the event for you. The workshop will emphasize iJava’s approach to some of the more advanced topics that are covered in the text, including inheritance, files, interfaces, and GUIs. The workshop will also present some of iJava’s features for grading, record-keeping and class monitoring. To register, go to: |
August 7, 2012
FLL Coach Connect Workshop
Training for parents, educators, youth-organization leaders who want to organize and coach FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams for robotics competitions. Participants will learn how to build and program LEGO Mindstorms NXT robots, learn more about FLL and team-building. For more information and to register for this fun, hands-on workshop, go to
August 7, 2012
Introduction to iJava Workshop
CAITE is offering a workshop by UMass Amherst Computer Science Professor Robert Moll, the inventor of iJava, on Monday, August 6. This workshop covers the principal features of the text and associated course from the perspective of both students and instructors. Various iJava teaching tactics are discussed, and their relevancy for high school and community college classes are highlighted.
More about iJava: |
SEPT 2012 |
September 15, 2012 |
C4C: Counselors for Computing Workshop 8:30am – 2:00pm Boston University
A workshop for school guidance counselors, C4C by NCWIT raises awareness about careers in computing and gives counselors tools for working with students. Contact Renee Fall, |
July 2012 |
July 31 - Aug.2, 2012 |
CS4HS: A workshop and conference on Computer Science for middle and high school teachers
3-day, hands-on workshop and conference for regional middle- and high-shcool CS, math, and technology teachers. Workshop on App Inventor and the Finch Robot, panels on equity and advocacy in CS, talks on CS pedagogy including the new CS Principles course, and more. More details, including how to register, are at Event co-organizers: |
July 16 - 20, 2012 July 23 - 27, 2012 |
COMPUTER CAMP! University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Summer Camp in Fun Exploration of Robotics and Game Design Dr. Jan Bergandy, CIS Chairperson & Camp Director Sponsored by Computer Science Department & Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Campus Session 1: July 16-20, 2012 Session 2: July 23-27, 2012 You will work in teams to design a simple computer game, to make the robots move the way you want them to, and to tell a story through computer animation. You will work in teams with our teachers and students and on the last day show your parents how smart and talented you are and what you have accomplished. You will make new friends, have fun, and experience the value of teamwork. |
July 9 - 21, 2012
Summer Robotics Camp Springfield Technical Community College
The Summer Robotics Camp at STCC introduces students to robotics, computer tools, engineering, and art in a hands-on way that encourages problem-solving and team-building. Located on 35 acres of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, camps include fun activities, campus tours, and field trip |
June 29, 2012 |
FLL Coach Connect Workshop
Training for parents, educators, youth-organization leaders who want to organize and coach FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams for robotics competitions. Participants will learn how to build and program LEGO Mindstorms NXT robots, learn more about FLL and team-building. For more information and to register for this fun, hands-on workshop, go to |
June 27 - 28, 2012 |
Artbotics: Tutorial and Best Practices
Educators can choose to participate in either or both days. Day Two will include those who are already using Artbotics. The 2-day workshop will address the needs of those that have not yet been trained in Artbotics, on Day 1, and will offer further support, professional development, and sharing opportunities to those who are already implementing Artbotics, on Day 2. People new to Artbotics will gain experience on the first day. |
June 27-Aug. 15, 2012 |
BATEC Summer Institutes
The Summer Institutes are no cost, professional development courses offered for technology high school teachers and college faculty in Massachusetts. Courses will be offered at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, Quinsigamond Community College, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and the University of Massachusetts Boston.
For a complete list of offerings, please visit |
June 25- 26, 2012 |
Incorporating Computing Concepts into Curriculum Frameworks: Prof. Dev. Workshop for MS and HS educators Worcester State University
The workshop - Incorporating Computing Concepts in Curriculum Frameworks is free of cost and is geared towards middle school and high school teachers. Please consider attending the workshop. If you have questions, please send email to Find out more at: Registration deadline is June 1st. |
april 2012 |
April 7-15, 2012 |
National Robotics Week
The third annual National Robotics Week will be held from April 7-15, 2012 with a series of regional events and activities aimed at increasing public awareness of robotics technology as a pillar of 21st century American innovation. The week highlights the growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas and emphasizes its ability to inspire students while building their interest in STEM areas and innovation. From Palo Alto to the National Mall in D.C. to Boston, events held throughout the week will feature dozens of opportunities for the public to interact with robots in a hands-on learning environment. Panel discussions, robotics competitions, introductory courses on robotics for kids, educational workshops for businesses, demos and tours of innovative labs will provide networking opportunities and expose many to the genius and wonder of robotics. National Robotics Week was founded by leading universities and companies, and established with assistance from the Congressional Caucus on Robotics by a U.S. House of Representatives resolution. |
mar 2012 |
March 14, 2012 |
Holyoke Community College Career Exploration Fair 8:30am-11:30am Bartley Center, Holyoke Community College
High school students from nearby schools will visit the college to explore STEM-related career pathways in business, education, health, engineering, IT, computing, and more. Representatives from schools and industry will showcase these careers through hands-on demonstrations, discussions, and simulations. For more information, contact the Cooperative Education and Career Services office at 413-552-2322. |
March 24, 2012 |
Holyoke Community College Career Exploration Fair 8:30am-11:30am Bartley Center, Holyoke Community College
High school students from nearby schools will visit the college to explore STEM-related career pathways in business, education, health, engineering, IT, computing, and more. Representatives from schools and industry will showcase these careers through hands-on demonstrations, discussions, and simulations. For more information, contact the Cooperative Education and Career Services office at 413-552-2322. |
March 29,012 |
UMass Amherst Community College Day 9am registration UMass Amherst Lincoln Campus Center
Potential Engineering and Computer Science transfer students are invited to UMass Amherst to learn about opportunities in the College of Engineering and Department of Computer Science. For more information, contact Cheryl Kiras at |
July - August 2011 |
July - August, 2011 |
BATEC Summer Institutes
The BATEC Summer Institutes will be held July and August in Summer 2011. This year, courses will be held at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, and other locations to be announced. Courses and registration information will be made available soon at this website.
June 2011 |
June 29, 2011 |
STREAM 2011 Interactive Workshop (K-12 educators)
STREAM 2011 will be held at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, MA on June 29, 2011 from 8:00am to 5:00pm. STREAM is a workshop to help K-12 educators utilize robotics as they teach STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects. This workshop will provide educators the opportunity to explore how they might use robotics in their own STEM instruction through interactive exercises, as well as through presentations by other educators currently using robotics as a way to teach STEM. The STREAM workshop is organized by UMass Lowell and iRobot. Click here for more information.
June 27-28, 2011 |
"CS4HS" (Computer Sciece for High School)
CS4HS (Computer Science for High School) is an initiative sponsored by Google to promote Computer Science and Computational Thinking in secondary schools. UMass Lowell has received a 2011 CS4HS grant from Google's Education Group, and is delighted to offer a 2-day, hands-on workshop to regional middle- and high-school computer science, mathematics, and technology teachers. Our goals are to provide teachers with (1) ideas they can immediately bring into their teaching; (2) a forum to share approaches with each other; and (3) an opportunity to meet our faculty and see what we can offer their students. For more information, click here. To register you must complete an online form.
June 23-24, 2011 |
Incorporating Computing Concepts in Curriculum Frameworks
This workshop provides educators with computing-related activities that can be integrated into the classroom and these activities can be used within the current curriculum frameworks for Math, Science and Technology. This workshop will be held at Worcester State College and will discuss the range of careers in computing and IT and what preparation is necessary for students to pursue these careers. Interested educators should submit the registration form to Karl Wurst either via email or fax 508-929-8156 no later than June 4, 2011. The workshop will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Breakfast and lunch will be served on both days. See website for additional details. Limited funding assistance for accommodations is available for those educators who live more than an hour drive away. The ICCCF workshop is organized and funded by CAITE, NSF BPC and Worcester State College. |
april 2011 |
April 1, 2011 |
High Tech College Fair (CAITE-BATEC) Roxbury Community College |
April 3-5, 2011 |
Tapia Diversity in Computing Conference The 2011 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing is the sixth in a series of conferences, its ten year anniversary! The program includes stellar invited speakers, a student poster competition, a daylong Doctoral Consortium, a session featuring a choice of attractions unique to San Francisco, a gala banquet and dance, and many exciting networking opportunities. |
April 9, 2011 |
Botfest Exhibition and Botball Robotics Competition Botfest is an open-ended robotics exhibition that complements competitive events by allowing greater room for creative expression. It is intended to appeal to a wide range of robot enthusiasts, from novices to experts. Lowell middle school students who participated in the CAITE sponsored year-long Botfest After-School Program will exhibit their creations at the annual Botfest exhibit. A number of other schools will be participating as well. The exhibition will take place in Costello Gym from 11am-1:30 pm. For more information, go to The highly spirited and competetive Botball tournament will take place from 9am-5pm, sharing the same gymnasium with the Botfest exhibition. Both events are free and open to the public. Refreshments available for purchase. |
April 9, 2011 |
New England Undergraduate Comptuing Symposium New England Undergraduate Computing Symposium |
April 16, 2011 |
One-day introduction to FIRST LEGO League for teams of girls across Western Mass. Pre-application and registration required due to limited space. |
march 2011 |
March 5, 2011
ELA Multi-cultural Computing Brunch Howard Thurman Cntr, Lower Level, George Sherman Union, 775 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA
March 16, 2011 |
Hampden-Hampshire Tech Prep Career Fair 400 students from Western Mass. learn about future careers. CAITE will demo computer science/IT careers. For more info: HCC Tech Prep, 413-552-2387.
March 24, 2011 |
UMA Computer Science & College of Engineering invite prospective CC transfer students and CC faculty and advisors. Registration required.
february 2011 |
Feb 1, 2011 |
This annual event is a collaboration with high schools in the Bristol CC area that brings students together to compete in a programming contest.
Feb 2, 2011 |
Bristol CC will bring middle school students onto campus to encourage them to think about computing as a career, going to college and becoming involved in math to open up more possibilities.
jan 2011 |
January 8, 2011 |
Botball is a 2-day professional Development Educator's Workshop where participants learn to use robotics as an inqiry-based tools, real-world programming languages, content knowledge and engineering skills building a working demo robot, and current components in the Botball kit and game challenge. There is a workshop over the following 7-9 weeks, a tournament, and a follow up Global Conference on Education Robotics.
Jan 21-22, 2011 |
dec 2010 |
Dec 5-11, 2010 |
CS Ed Week |
Dec 6, 2010 |
CS Teacher Meeting UMass Amherst, CS150 As part of CSEd week CAITE will be hosting a community meeting for middle and high school computer science teachers at UMass Amherst.
Dec 7, 2010 |
Career Exploration Day--Computer Science Panel Career Exploration Day: 9:00am-1:45pm, Dec 7, 2010 allows local area high school juniors and seniors visit GCC. This year, from 10:00-10:45 a panel of computer science college students and computer/IT professionals will discuss their education, work, and what they like about being in the computer science field. All students will attend this plenary before visiting the GCC class of their choice, and going to an event in an area of interest. Engineer Speaker Day, an annual event in which local engineers talk about their work and education, will be held the same day from 1:00-3:00 in Sloan theater. High school students are welcome join GCC engineering students in this event as well. |
Dec 8, 2010 |
STEM Poster Session and Ice Cream Party A STEM Poster Session and Ice Cream Party will be held today at Middlesex Community College. Students from STEM and computer science classes will present their research and projects. |
Dec 9, 2010
Free Webinar: Blending Traditional & Online Learning 101 Join us on December 9, 2010 for our free webinar, "Blending Traditional and Online Learning 101: Best Practices to Get Your School Started." Presenters Gregg Levin, Vice President of Schools and Solutions – Aventa Learning/K12 Inc., and Kelly Schwirzke, Coordinator of Instructional Technology – Santa Clara County of Education, will offer real-world examples of how schools can successfully incorporate a hybrid model to: • Attract and/or retain students and teachers Space is limited. Register today! Aventa Learning is now part of K12 Inc., the nation’s leading provider of online learning for grades K-12. |
Dec 10-11, 2010 |
Robots Exhibition at The Springfield Museums An educational, fun and exciting exhibit featuring the characters of the movie Robots. Take an adventure through this mechanical world. See how robots can better our lives today and in the future.
As part of CS Ed Week, CAITE is sponsoring a special admission fee waiver to the Robots Exhibition at The Springfield Museums on Dec. 10 & 11 only. Bring your middle and high school students to explore the exhibit... FREE of charge! |
NOV 2010 |
Nov 21, 2010 |
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award Ceremony Sponsored by Bank of America, the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Each qualified national awardee will receive: Time of the ceremony TBA |
Nov 14, 2010 |
Workshops for Girl Scouts at Middlesex Community College Math Moves U workshop will be held on November 14 at MCC. In addition, 55 minute "Alice" workshops will be given to 300 girl scounts in 6 concurrent sessions by Raytheon software engineers and MCC faculty. Heather Bryne, a UMass Lowell grad student will be one of the closing speakers. |
Nov 14, 2010 |
"MathMoves U," STEM middle school student event This full-day, STEM outreach event is a collaboration with Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass and Middlesex Community College. One of three themes for the day will be computer science for which Engineers from Raytheon will lead 15 "Alice" programing workshops for about 350 girls in 4th - 8th grade. For more information please contact Margaret Bleichman at MCC. |
oct 2010 |
Oct 30, 2010 |
CS Unplugged Workshop at CSTA/ CS Professional Development Day Karl Wurst and Aparna Mahadev, faculty at Worcester State College, will be leading a CS Unplugged workshop from 1-3 pm at the Mass. Tech. Collaborative Center in Worcester, MA, on 10/30 as part of the CSTA/ CS Professional Development Day. This workshop provides educators with computing-related activities that can be integrated into the classroom and these activities can be used within the current curriculum frameworks for Math, Science and Technology. The workshop will also discuss the range of careers in computing and IT and what preparation is necessary for students to pursue these careers. |
Oct 25, 2010 |
Women in Engineering Career Day Conference This year’s Career Day is particularly exciting as we are honored to have UMASS Dartmouth alum Dr. Lisa Hubbard, a Senior Engineering Manager in the Systems Architecture and Design Directorate at Raytheon. In addition to this presentation, two interactive activities will be conducted with the students to allow them to build fully operational engineering projects. Register early as spots fill up quickly! |
Oct 15, 2010 |
NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Are you a young, high-school woman who has had several computer-related achievements? If so you are eligible to apply for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing which serves to promote and acknowledge the efforts of young women interested in computer science and information technology. "The “NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing” acknowledges the computing achievements and aspirations of young women, and generates visibility for women’s participation in computing-related pursuits." For detailed information on the award process, components and criteria read more here! |
sept 2010 |
Sept 29 - Oct 2, 2010 |
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing |
Sept 27, 2010
Dot Diva's mission is to create an exciting and positive image of computing for high school girls. Their nationwide survey revealed that not only do the majority of girls think of computing as "boring" and "hard," but they believe it fails to deliver two crucial benefits: "working with others" and "making a difference in other people's lives." Dot Diva's ultimate goal is to transform this negative perception. |
aug 2010 |
August, 2010 |
The BATEC Summer Institutes will be held July and August in Summer 2010. This year, courses will be held at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, Quinsigamond Community College and the University of Massachusetts Boston. New topics being planned include: Analytics, Cloud Computing, Dreamweaver/Flash/Photoshop, Internet Security, iJava, Information Storage, IT Essentials, IT Problem Solving, Office 2010/Windows 7, Programming for the Android, Social Networking Tools, Virtualization and others. Courses and registration information will be made available on this website soon. For more information on past Summer Institutes, please click here. |
july 2010 |
July, 2010 |
The BATEC Summer Institutes will be held July and August in Summer 2010. This year, courses will be held at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, Quinsigamond Community College and the University of Massachusetts Boston. New topics being planned include: Analytics, Cloud Computing, Dreamweaver/Flash/Photoshop, Internet Security, iJava, Information Storage, IT Essentials, IT Problem Solving, Office 2010/Windows 7, Programming for the Android, Social Networking Tools, Virtualization and others. Courses and registration information will be made available on this website soon. For more information on past Summer Institutes, please click here. |
june 2010 |
June 28-29, 2010 |
This workshop provides educators with computing-related activities that can be integrated into the classroom and these activities can be used within the current curriculum frameworks for Math, Science and
Interested educators should submit the registration form to Karl Wurst
June 24-25, 2010 |
STREAM is a two day, hands-on workshop to help K-12 educators utilize robotics as they teach STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects. This workshop will provide educators the opportunity to explore how they might use robotics in their own STEM instruction through interactive sessions as well as through presentations by other educators currently using robotics as a way to teach STEM. Representatives of local technology companies will also describe potential careers for students interested in robotics and STEM disciplines.
The workshop will be held at iRobot in Bedford, MA from June 24—25, 2010. For the schedule and more information visit this link. |
June 16-18, 2010 |
Mark Guzdial will be returning to Massachusetts to present a Media Computation workshop. The goal of this workshop is to introduce techniques that might be integrated into introductory courses in computing with a goal of attracting and engaging a broader range of students. We will be using Alice and Media Computation. Both approaches motivate and engage students by contextualizing computing in a relevant activity.
This workshop will be held in Boston. |
June 14-15, 2010 |
From Visual Programing to Media: Getting Students Excited About the First Course Mark Guzdial of Georgia Computes! will be returning to Massachusetts to present a First Courses in Computing workshop. The workshop will teach approaches to introducing computing that engage a broad range of students. It will include brief introductions to visual programming in Alice and Scratch, and techniques for motivating textual programming in Java and Python for manipulating media.
This first workshop will be held at UMass Amherst. Registration page coming soon! Please visit the Georgia Computes! wiki for further description and agenda for the days. |
June 1, 2010 |
Gaming Professional Development Workshop Cape Cod Community College will be hosting a professional development workshop on gaming this Tuesday. Contact Gail Guarino for more info. |
may 2010 |
May 29, 2010 |
Students from greater Boston and Lowell will compete in Machine Science's fourth annual Robot Sumo Tournament at the Museum of Science Boston on Saturday, May 29, 2010. Stoklosa and Sullivan middle schools of Lowell have been meeting year-round in an after-school technology program sponsored by CAITE. They will contribute to an impressive range of designs and strategies at the tournament. Prizes will be awarded to the top tournament finishers, as well as competitors whose robots are especially creative or thoughtfully programmed.
May 25, 2010 |
Green High Performance Computing Educators Conference With the planned Green High Performance Computing Center to be built in Holyoke, and the effort to attract and retain more IT industry in Massachusetts, educators will be asked to train more students for the IT workforce. Want to start incorporating some of these technologies in your classroom?
This event is organized by community college educators, for community college educators and beyond, will be held at Holyoke Community College 8.30 - 4pm, and is free to attend. Educators in computing, information & communications technology, and engineering fields at community colleges, universities, high schools, and informal education organizations who want to learn about new technologies to incorporate into their curricula.
May 24, 2010 |
This college/ career fair day will include 20 minute hands-on workshops - each workshop to be held twice for students to rotate through. A speakers session will start the day in the morning. |
May 22, 2010 |
Geek Girl Boot Camps are technology "unconferences" for women of all ages and knowledge levels where you can go to take classes on everything to do with computers, PC and Mac, the Internet, marketing, consumer electronics, software, social media, Photoshop, blogging, podcasting, digital photography, and more. Read more about the Workshops and Speakers. geek girl: empowering women, one geek girl at a time |
May 18-20, 2010
NCWIT 2010 Practices Summit: Intel I, Portland, OR
May 15, 2010 |
Springfield Technical Community College will host the 3rd annual video contest event on May 15, 2010. Students will have made a 2 minute video that will show their response to the prompt: "My Roadmap to a Career in Information Technology." Contact Diane Snyder for more info. |
May 12, 2010 |
Anita Borg Systers Award application due The Anita Borg Systers Pass-It-On (PIO) Awards honor Anita Borg’s desire to create a network of technical women helping one another. The cash awards, funded by donations from the Systers Online Community, are intended as means for women established in technological fields to support women seeking their place in the fields of technology. The program is called “Pass-It-On” because it comes with the moral obligation to “pass on” the benefits gained from the award.
Pass-it-on Award applications are open to any woman over 18 years old in or aspiring to be in the fields of computing. Awards are open to women in all countries and range from $500.00 to $1000.00 USD. Applications covering a wide variety of needs and projects are encouraged |
May 11, 2010 |
Springfield Technical Community College will host the 4th annual Senior Projects Day for local high schools. The event will give high school students the opportunity to projects that were based on computers and information technology. Students will arrive in the morning and will be given the opportunity to view the projects and talk to STCC seniors about their projects. Students will also be given talks by STCC faculty with regards to an IT education. Lunch, a quick tour of the campus and a talk by admissions will end the day.
Contact Diane Snyder for more info. |
May 6-7, 2010 |
Politics of Open Source Conference The Journal of Information Technology and Politics is hosting JITP 2010: Politics of Open Source. The conference will kick off with an invited presentation on "Women in Free/Open Source Software Development" by Hanna Wallach, senior postdoctoral research associate at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. |
april 2010 |
April 16-17, 2010 |
CCSCNE 2010 15th Annual Conference
March 23 Submission Deadline for: Programming contest registration, early registration, and hotel cutoff date. |
April 1, 2010 |
Girls Inc/ IT Capstone Course Connection |
April 1, 2010 |
IT Regional Fair 8.30am - 11.30am, Bartley Center at Holyoke Community College |
march 2010 |
March 27, 2010 |
Girls Connect |
March 16, 2010 |
TechPrep Career Fair 8.30am - 11.30am, Bartley Center at Holyoke Community College
March 10- 13, 201
SIGCSE 2010 |
March 5-7, 2010 |
NSF-Sponsored Workshop Friday, 5 March 2010 – Sunday, 7 March 2010 Hotel ZaZa in Houston, Texas, *Deadline for Participant Applications - Friday, 15 January 2010* |
March 5, 2010 |
BHCC CIT Spring Curriculum Update Meeting
April 1, 2010 |
Girls Inc/ IT Capstone Course Connection |
April 1, 2010 |
IT Regional Fair 8.30am - 11.30am, Bartley Center at Holyoke Community College |
march 2010 |
March 27, 2010 |
Girls Connect |
March 16, 2010 |
TechPrep Career Fair 8.30am - 11.30am, Bartley Center at Holyoke Community College
March 10- 13, 201
SIGCSE 2010 |
March 5-7, 2010 |
NSF-Sponsored Workshop Friday, 5 March 2010 – Sunday, 7 March 2010 Hotel ZaZa in Houston, Texas, *Deadline for Participant Applications - Friday, 15 January 2010* |
March 5, 2010
BHCC CIT Spring Curriculum Update Meeting
dec 2009 |
Dec 14, 2009 |
The ICT Careers Day, held in partnership with CAITE, is scheduled for Monday, December 14th at the University of Massachusetts Boston. This event brings together high school juniors and seniors to learn about technology through hands-on activities with industry partners. In years past, companies such as EMC, IBM, Microsoft, Suffolk Technology Partners and many others have participated in this event.
If you are a high school teacher interested in bringing your technology students or an industry partner looking to participate, please email Dawn Zapata, BATEC Project Manager at for registration information. |
Dec 11, 2009 |
Career Planning for College and Career Readiness Conference
Questions regarding the content of the conference should be directed to Karen DeCoster in the Office for Career/Vocational Technical at 781-338-3115 or via email. |
Dec 6-12, 2009
Celebrate Computer Science Education Week
“National Computer Science Education Week will help us draw attention to the need for an educational system that values computer science as a discipline and provides students with critical thinking skills and career opportunities,” said Bobby Schnabel, Chair of ACM’s Education Policy Committee and dean of the School of Informatics at Indiana University.
nov 2009 |
Nov 30, 2009 |
Grants Available for High School Teachers' STEM Projects make students aware of the excitement and opportunity to be found in the field of engineering--transforming classroom theory into real-world applications that bring science, technology, engineering and math concepts to life.
Full-time classroom teachers of grades 6-12 in urban, public high schools serving minority populations are eligible. *Deadline for the 2009-10 school year is November 30, 2009.
Grants available for high school teachers' STEM projects; click on "Innovation Grants."
Sponsored by the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering. |
Nov 19, 2009 |
Northeastern Girls Collaborative (NEGC) Western MA Fall Forum
The Fall Forum will feature a number of successful Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs serving K-12 girls in Western Massachusetts, provide information on the goals and objectives of the National Girls Collaborative Project and encourage collaborative efforts among individuals, schools, non-profit organizations, government agencies and corporations.
Engineering and Nanotechnology Ford Hall Smith College, Northampton, MA 4:00pm. to 6:00pm. For additional information, please contact Kim Edgar at |
Nov 14 - 20, 2009 |
Super Computing Conference: SC09 Portland, OR
SC09 returns to Portland, Oregon for its 21st annual conference. Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. Mark your calendars and make plans to be part of this amazing conference series. SC09 will feature an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, and timely research posters with an impressive lineup of invited speakers and panel participants. |
Nov 7 - 8, 2009
Robotics Innovations Competition & Conference (RICC)
The 2009 First Annual RICC will be held on November 7-8, 2009 at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the Odeum. The theme of this year’s competition focuses on the development of creative solutions to improve the quality of life. The competition is open to design teams formed by students enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level. The emphasis will be on innovation, technical approach, and professionalism. Our goal is to build community between industry and academia allowing both to become familiar with the others needs. A “limited resources” reimbursement of $1000 is potentially available to the first 10 teams to be accepted, as well as “travel grant” reimbursement of up to $500. Please refer to the RICC website for further details. Registration and attendance to the RICC is free of charge |
Nov 4, 2009 |
Northeastern Girls Collaborative (NEGC) Western MA Fall Forum
The Fall Forum will feature a number of successful Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs serving K-12 girls in Western Massachusetts, provide information on the goals and objectives of the National Girls Collaborative Project and encourage collaborative efforts among individuals, schools, non-profit organizations, government agencies and corporations.
Engineering and Nanotechnology Ford Hall Smith College, Northampton, MA 4:00pm. to 6:00pm. For additional information, please contact Kim Edgar at |
Events in November
Bridgewater State College: -Tech Fair with Teaching Tech Center
Middlesex Community College: -Computer Forensics Open House -Math Across Curriculum
Northern Essex Community College: -Gizmos and Gadgets @ Lawrence
UMass Lowell: -Teacher Workshop (focus on robotics) |
oct 2009 |
Oct 27, 2009
Open House for College of Engineering UMass Dartmouth
Description to come soon
Oct 20, 2009 |
STEM Summit VI, Sturbridge, MA Planning is underway. A committee representing all the stakeholders has begun to identify all the strands to be presented. As always, the Summit is designed to mobilize the Commonwealth's STEM community to support the STEM Pipeline goals: • to dramatically increase student interest in, and preparation for, careers in STEM; The Challenge continues to be that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the United States face a shortage of well trained and well qualified graduates to fill all the openings in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields now and as we move into the future. For more information, contact Dr. J. Lynn Griesemer, Executive Director, University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute, and Associate Vice President for Economic Development, UMass President's Office. |
Oct 19, 2009 |
AccessComputing Capacity-Building Institute, Sturbridge, MA "Expanding Access to Computing: Teaching & Design for All Abilities" CAITE and AccessComputing are sponsoring a capacity-building institute Monday, October 19, 8.30 am - 3.30 pm at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, MA.
Featuring : Steven Fadden, Vice President, Landmark College; Terrill Thompson, Technology Accessibility Specialist, University of Washington. • Overview of Issues with Disabilities and Computing • Perspectives from students, disability services staff, faculty • Effective Practices & Assistive Technology • Teaching Computing and IT for All Abilities
Teams from 2- and 4-year colleges in Massachusetts are encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is required by September 28 (registration site coming soon). Space is limited. For more information: or 413.545.2013.
Sept 30- Oct 3, 2009
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is a series of conferences designed to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Presenters are leaders in their respective fields, representing industrial, academic and government communities. Leading researchers present their current work, while special sessions focus on the role of women in today's technology fields, including computer science, information technology, research and engineering.
Registration Opens - June 1, 2009 |
Sept 14, 2009 application deadline
Robotics Innovations Competition & Conference (RICC) The 2009 First Annual RICC will be held on November 7-8, 2009 at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the Odeum. The theme of this year’s competition focuses on the development of creative solutions to improve the quality of life. The competition is open to design teams formed by students enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level. The emphasis will be on innovation, technical approach, and professionalism. Our goal is to build community between industry and academia allowing both to become familiar with the others needs. A “limited resources” reimbursement of $1000 is potentially available to the first 10 teams to be accepted, as well as “travel grant” reimbursement of up to $500. Please refer to the RICC website for further details. Registration and attendance to the RICC is free of charge.
Sept 1, 2009 application deadline |
Advance Program at Northampton University for Prospective Faculty The Northeastern University ADVANCE program will be holding a workshop on Interdisciplinary Networking for Prospective Faculty (October 26, 2009) to be held in conjunction with the 9th Annual Research and Industry Collaboration Conference sponsored by the NSF Engineering Research Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems and the Department of Homeland Security ALERT Center of Excellence. The workshop begins with a series of topics related to searching for a faculty position and positioning one's self for the early years of academic life and continues with participation at the Sensing & Imaging Systems workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to present research in a poster session with participants from Northeastern University, Boston University, Rensselaer Institute of Technology, and the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. The event will be an opportunity to meet with faculty and student researchers at four major research institutions as well as with representatives from industry. The Northeastern University ADVANCE program will cover the expenses of invited participants. In addition to excellence in scholarship, acceptance will be based on the ability of the participant to enhance the diversity of the professoriate in engineering and science, so there is a focus on women and underrepresented minorities. Applications are sought from senior PhD students (one or two years away from graduating) and postdocs. We seek participants from the wide range of disciplines (computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering, statistics, computer engineering, etc.) that support sensing and imaging technologies. Apply now here. |
aug 2009 |
Aug 31, 2009
Application Due: SC09 Student Volunteer Program Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply as
Aug 3, 2009 |
Application Due: SC09 Broader Engagement (BE) Program This program is aimed at increasing the involvement of individuals who have been traditionally underrepresented in the HPC field. For SC09, the Broader Engagement, Education, and Student Volunteer Programs have joined forces as SC Communities to create some special opportunities! The BE Program provides participation grants that include travel assistance, participation in the Technical Program along with a number of opportunities and activities at SC09. We encourage applications from students, faculty and professionals in
july 2009 |
July 27-31, 2009
Batec Summer Institutes
Leo Carey, Boston Latin Academy, Boston, MA PC Hardware and Software Courses Image IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 covers the fundamentals of computer hardware and software as well as advanced concepts. Students who complete this course will be able to describe the internal components of a computer, assemble a computer system, install an operating system, and troubleshoot using system tools and diagnostic software. Students will also be able to connect to the Internet and share resources in a network environment. New topics included in this version include laptops and portable devices, wireless connectivity, security, safety and environmental issues, and communication skills. Hands-on lab activities will continue to be an essential element of the course. In support of this, virtual learning tools are integrated into this course. The Virtual Laptop and Virtual Desktop are stand-alone tools designed to supplement classroom learning and provide an interactive "hands-on" experience in learning environments with limited physical equipment. Location: Bunker Hill Community College D103
July 27-28, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Rashmi Pimprikar, TechBoston , Boston, MA and TBA BATEC and TechBoston are collaborating to offer free intermediate hands on workshop of Teaching Interactive Multimedia with Flash and Dreamweaver. This course effectively integrates elements of project based learning; standards based curriculum, Graphic design & STEM concepts, animation, and 21st Century Skills. It can be used in-class in any discipline or in an after-school club. The course will cover topics in Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver, ActionScript programming using Flash, and classroom techniques. Follow-up workshops will be offered in the Fall and Spring. BPS Participants are expected to bring their L4L laptop to all classes. If you do not have a laptop, please contact the instructor so that we can make arrangements. BPS Participants who successfully complete the course will receive 1 in-service credit, Adobe CS3/CS4 software, installation help, curriculum materials and priority access to follow-up workshops as they are offered. In addition, participants may be able to earn set of licenses for their classroom. PodCasts and some of the curriculum materials will be posted on the course website. Prerequisite: Experience with Adobe technologies. Location: UMB, Healey Library, Upper Level, Room 0030
July 20-24, 2009
Batec Summer Institutes
Leo Carey, Boston Latin Academy, Boston, MA Location: Bunker Hill Community College D103
July 17, 2009
Batec Summer Institutes
Robert Moll, UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA iJava is a newly-developed online interactive textbook for introductory Java instruction. The text is unique in its hands-on style: users type code directly at the book, and receive instant correctness feedback. Because of its hands-on, interactive engagement style, the text has dramatically reduced failure rates in introductory classes at UMass-Amherst. An iJava-based class is suitable for the AP exam in computer science (level A). High school teachers could also arrange for college credit in Computer Science for their students upon successful completion of the course from the UMass Amherst Computer Science department. Up to 50 students will eventually be covered through this generous offer! Location: BHCC Room D121A
July 17, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Rich Amari, Mountain View Technology In our mediated culture where text messages, cell phones, Skype and email dominate, it’s not easy to secure the “face time” to practice your presentation skills. And yet, in this sound-bite era it’s even more important to use your “minutes” to their fullest –to capture present the power of your ideas in a clear and persuasive manner, to communicate and relate to your audience in appropriate ways, or simply to make a point at a meeting. Learn how to present yourself professionally while leaving your audience with a lasting impression and the force of your ideas. This workshop will help you to develop your inner talent as a presenter and teacher. In this workshop participants will also examine the key features of the electronic resume, understanding that the job search and submission of the resume now involves online databases, key words and scanners. Location: Location To Be Announced |
July 16, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Edgar Trout, CUNY Institute for Virtual Enterprise In the Virtual Enterprise (VE) program, students act as entrepreneurs, designing and operating a simulated firm in the classroom. Each classroom can connect with an international community of simulated firms (the IVE Partner Network) through a virtual economy (the IVE MarketMaker), an articulated series of events, and web-based community tools. The net effect is for students to acquire the soft- and entrepreneurial-skills demanded in today’s workforce -- for instance, teamwork, effective communication, and the ability to be flexible while making concrete use of the content from their academic major. Students also gain a perspective of the breadth of potential careers in their field. This session is primarily geared towards faculty in the Computing Sciences (IT, CS, CIS) with the goal of either integrating the simulation into parts of existing courses or using the simulation as a stand-alone course. However, the content will be relevant to faculty of all disciplines and all are welcome. Location: Bunker Hill Community College D101 |
July 16, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Mike Puopolo, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, MA This one-day, hands-on workshop will introduce participants to the new BATEC-CAITE ICT Academy Program. Initially conceived and developed at the SYNERGY 2008 Conference the ICT Academy Concept is currently being implemented for the Fall, 2009 semester at Bunker Hill Community College. Based on five (5) pillars in support of student success: Articulated Credits, In-depth Career Exploration, ACCUPLACER Preparation, Peer Mentoring & Enhanced Faculty Advising & Involvement the “Academy Concept” is replicable & scalable not only for ICT, but also for all STEM Programs. Using a “cohort” model the Academy will establish a “Community of Learners” primarily from area ICT High School Programs. Participants will be given a flexible template and will begin working to create and present an Action Plan for implementing an Academy Pathway for their respective school in the coming academic year. Location: Bunker Hill Community College D101 |
July 15, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Joyce LaTulippe, BATEC Curriculum Director and Lori Weir, Program Coordinator, IT Program, BATEC and CVTE Grants, Middlesex Community College This one-day workshop will address critical questions about online teaching and learning such as: How do students work in groups and teams online? How will student complete projects in an online course? How are group and individual interactions measured and assessed? What role can industry take in an online course? Faculty and K-12 educators who have struggled with how to design engaging instruction in an online environment will find answers in this workshop. The session will introduce participants to the rich features of leading LMS/CMS systems such as Blackboard, WebCT and Moodle. From there, participants will explore the dynamics of online interactions while applying methods used to teach and model employability skills in classrooms. Session participants will leave with a viable course design, an enhanced syllabus and hands-on practice in how to engage students in authentic tasks, projects and problems. Location: Bunker Hill Community College, D116 |
July 13 - 16, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Maria Litvin, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA and Rashmi Pimprikar, TechBoston, Boston, MA BATEC and TechBoston are collaborating to offer Learn to Teach Java - a 4 day, hands on course that accommodates participants with different levels of familiarity with Java and OOPs concepts. We will study classes and objects, constructors and methods, interfaces, inheritance, and polymorphism, strings, arrays, arraylist and some topics specified in the AP Computer Science Exam. Emphasis will be on techniques for teaching Java in high school (role play, team projects, case studies, writing Java code, debugging exercises etc...). We will also do rubric base grading of an AP CS paper. ALL BPS Participants are expected to bring their L4L laptop to all classes. If you do not have a laptop, please contact the instructor so that we can make arrangements. Upon completion of the course, BPS participants who successfully complete the course will receive 2 in-service credits. They will also be eligible for the textbook, an exam prep book, Software installation and other resources. PodCasts and some of the curriculum materials will be posted on the course website. Location: Bunker Hill Community College Room D102 |
July 13-14, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Rashmi Pimprikar, TechBoston , Boston, MA and TBA BATEC and TechBoston are collaborating to offer free intermediate hands on workshop of Teaching Interactive Multimedia with Flash and Dreamweaver. This course effectively integrates elements of project based learning; standards based curriculum, Graphic design & STEM concepts, animation, and 21st Century Skills. It can be used in-class in any discipline or in an after-school club. The course will cover topics in Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver, ActionScript programming using Flash, and classroom techniques. Follow-up workshops will be offered in the Fall and Spring. BPS Participants are expected to bring their L4L laptop to all classes. If you do not have a laptop, please contact the instructor so that we can make arrangements. BPS Participants who successfully complete the course will receive 1 in-service credit, Adobe CS3/CS4 software, installation help, curriculum materials and priority access to follow-up workshops as they are offered. In addition, participants may be able to earn set of licenses for their classroom. PodCasts and some of the curriculum materials will be posted on the course website. Prerequisite: Experience with Adobe technologies. Location: UMB, Healey Library, Upper Level, Room 0030
July 11-12, 2009 |
CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshop at IJCAI 2009 The CRA Committee on the Status of Women in Computing research (CRA-W) will sponsor a Workshop on Research Career Mentoring for Women in Computer Science and Computer Engineering at the 2009 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
The goal of the workshop is to provide mentoring activities targeting women in professional research careers. The two-track workshop will cover a variety of topics targeted to "junior" academic researchers and industrial and national laboratory researchers.
The workshop will be held on July 11-12, 2009 in Pasadena, CA. For more information about the workshop and to apply for financial support to attend, please visit the workshop website.
July 10, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Craig Watson, Bristol Community College Seminar is designed to introduce participants to new ribbon system in all applications as compared to use of menus and tool bars in older versions of Office. Accessing dialog boxes using old version menu access is discussed, for example using the Alt key to open embedded dialog boxes and new features of Office 2007. Location: Bristol CC - K102 |
July 8 - 9, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Mike Puopolo, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, MA This two-day, hands-on workshop will introduce ICT Educators and Administrators at all levels (High School, Community College & University) to proven methodologies and best-practices for integrating Employability Skills across the ICT curricula using any one or all Microsoft Office 2007 Programs. The BATEC Workforce Study clearly spells out the need and urgency for implementing these skills and points to key areas where ICT Education CAN & MUST be changed to insure competitiveness of our students in the 21st Century global economy. Using Office 2007, new approaches to insure quality and consistency in delivery of content, infusion of Group/Team Work, Improved Oral & Written Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem Based Learning, On-Line Collaboration and Customer Service Skills will be covered and demonstrated. Participants will also be introduced to technologies for pre and post assessment, many advanced features of WORD, EXCEL, ACCESS POWERPOINT and OfficeLive as well as proven task-based and case-based teaching & learning techniques. Participants will be given access to a range of fully populated Office 2007 Introductory & Advanced Courses using the Pearson Education myitlab Learning Management System. Location: UMB, Healey Library, Green Lab |
July 7-10, 2009
Robotics for Middle School Teachers Course
Register online at More information available at Or contact Kathy Baker at or 413 545-0010 |
July 7, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Alok Shrivastava – Senior Director, EMC Global Services The wave of digital photos, blogs, emails, and other data is growing at an explosive rate, and is projected to double every 18 months. In order to avoid drowning in data, organizations must consider scalability, compliance, security, and a host of other implications across the IT infrastructure. The demand for IT professionals with storage knowledge to ride this wave far exceeds the available supply. Find out more about how you can prepare students to be successful in the IT industry by attending this workshop. Participants will leave with an understanding of information infrastructure and its technology segments including: storage, protection, virtualization and management. Location: UMB, Healey Library, Green Lab |
July 6 - 7, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Paula Mailloux, Bristol Community College Learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop in this two-day, hands-on workshop. A guided in-class project introduces you to Photoshop tools that will help you develop the basic skills to touch-up photographs and manipulate images that can be incorporated into print and web projects. This is ideal for the beginner, or for the intermediate level user who just wants to brush up on their skills. Location: Bristol CC - K102 |
July 6, 2009
Batec Summer Institutes
Robert Bry, IBM, Boston, MA One of IBM’s most innovative and successful Academic Initiative tools is INNOV8, an interactive, 3-D educational game designed to bridge the gap in understanding between IT teams and business leaders in an organization. This type of serious gaming - simulations which have the look and feel of a game but correspond to non-game events or processes such as business operations - has emerged as a successful method to train students and employees or develop new skills. During this workshop you will be introduced to the IBM Academic Initiative and the Innov8 interactive serious game. The workshop will highlight what's new in INNOV8 V2.0 such as three new game scenarios which reflect a new level of intelligence required for future, high-value job opportunities; 'Green' Supply Chain: Players evaluate a traditional supply chain model and are tasked with reducing a fictional company's carbon footprint, Efficient Traffic Flow: Players evaluate existing traffic patterns and re-route traffic based on sensors that alert the player to disruptions such as accidents and roadway congestion. Using a call center environment, players develop more efficient ways to respond to customers. |
July 6 - 10, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Russell Zahniser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Learning to program a computer is challenging, not so much because of the cryptic nature of computer languages, but because those languages are designed to express realities that have no analog in human language or even in the physical world. This class will focus on not merely learning to program, but also acquiring a deep understanding of the big, unfamiliar ideas that undergird all of computer science. In one week, we will cover the first few months of an introductory Java programming class, using software called CodeMotion that supports the learning of programming by building visual intuition for how a computer program works. You will find that our instructional approach, which focuses on experimentation and collaboration rather than direct instruction, can be readily adapted into your own teaching of introductory or AP computer science. Location: UMB Healey Library, LL, P5 |
July 1, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
Phoebe Blackburn, Bristol Community College QuickBooks is the most widely-used financial software in small business. This workshop is an introduction to familiarize the participants with the most commonly used functions within the application. It is recommended for any individual who would like to learn, hands-on, how to use the software to record financial and bookkeeping data in a computerized environment. Topics presented include the basic procedural steps to create a QuickBooks company, how to process sales and cash receipts, record purchases and cash payments, reconcile banking transactions and create and customize QuickBooks forms. Prior knowledge of accounting procedures is not necessary. Location: Bristol CC - K102 |
July 1, 2009 |
Batec Summer Institutes
The two software programs that will be discussed within this workshop are Alice and Scratch. Alice is a program that was developed by Carnegie Mellon for the purpose of teaching the basics of programming to students using a 3D environment. This program is a great tool for animating story telling. Scratch is a program that was created by MIT for the purpose of teaching children, ages 8 and up, to develop 21st century learning skills. With this tool, students will learn important mathematical and computational skills, as well as learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. This workshop will teach you basic instructions for utilizing the software as well as provide you with suggestions for incorporating these programs into your lesson plan. Both Alice and Scratch are free to download and use. Location: Bristol CC - K101 (9:00 - 3:00) |
July 1 -31, 2009 |
The BATEC Summer Institutes will be held between July 1st - July 31st this year at Bristol Community College, Bunker Hill Community College and the University of Massachusetts Boston. Topics will include: Cisco, Dreamweaver, Flash, Java, Innov8, Microsoft Office, and many others. A full list of courses, schedule and registration will be available on this site in late May. |
june 2009 |
June 29 – July 2, 2009
Robotics for Middle School Teachers Course
Register online at Or contact Kathy Baker at 413 545-0010
June 28 - July 1, 2009
30th Annual National Education Computing Conference Did you know NECC attracts the top technology companies in the field of Ed Tech worldwide? Last year, of the nearly 500 companies who exhibited at NECC, a quarter of the companies specialized in educational software, and the remaining companies offered professional development and training, or showcased everything from Web-based products to computer systems and networking solutions.
There are more than 300 Formal and Hands-on Sessions, the Informal Learning Lounges and Playgrounds, and the vast Exhibit Hall, complete with information and training sessions of their own. * Inspiration and strategies for improving learning for all students
Presented by iste, Washington, DC *Register by May 1 to receive the Early Bird discount |
June 26, 2009
Mentoring & Mythbusting Training Workshop The Collaborative for Gender Equity exists to help shatter myths about women in STEM, and encourage young women to pursue educational opportunities and careers in emerging technologies. Much of today's research on the participation of women in STEM suggests that succeeding in a non-traditional career like those in IT is linked to strong support systems including mentoring programs. This workshop is designed to help secondary and post-secondary educators develop mentoring programs for girls and women that encourage participation in advanced and emerging technologies, STEM and non-traditional programs. Workshop components include: • Research supporting mentoring • Step-by-step instruction on program development and management • Model programs for replication • Many additional resources Register here or email Ann-Claire Anderson, PI, for more information.
June 25-26, 2009
STREAM 2009 Interactive Workshop (K-12 educators) The workshop will focus on integrating robotics into STEM education. This workshop will provide educators the opportunity to explore how they might use robotics in their own STEM instruction through interactive sessions as well as through presentations by other educators currently using robotics as a way to teach STEM. Hosted by: The Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council, iRobot, the Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education and the University of Massachusetts Lowell
**Applications due March 8** The application and a program flyer can be found here Please email completed applications to or fax to Phyllis Procter at 978-934-3551
June 16-17, 2009 |
Artbotics Across Massachusetts The CAITE-sponsored workshop will train CAITE campus faculty to launch
For more information contact Artbotics project director, Phyllis Procter, (978) 934-3625. |
June 11-12, 2009 |
BPC/NCWIT K-12 Outreach Practices Workshop This intimate workshop for BPC PIs will give participants an opportunity to learn about and network with key organizations active in K-12 informal education programming and outreach, such as Girl Scouts of the USA, 4-H, Boys & Girls Clubs, Girls Inc, MESA, and FIRST, as well as thought-leaders in effective K-12 outreach practices. |
June 4, 2009 |
The Teachers’ Domain provides access to over 1,000 free media resources including programming from NOVA, Frontline, Design Squad, and American Experience. The site offers streaming video, Flash interactive simulations, lesson plans and student-oriented resources for teachers in the field of science, math, social studies, English language arts, and arts.
Participate in the WGBH Teachers’ Domain Workshop on Thursday, June 4th, 2009. The WGBH Teachers’ Domain training is from 4-5pm in room 226 at the Kittredge Center at Holyoke Community College and is in conjunction with the Spring Mentoring Program. Contact Janice Alvarez for more information and to register. |
May 2009 |
May 12 - 14, 2009
NCWIT'S May Meeting Our May 2009 Meetings will take at the Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, with a theme centering around the global status of women in technology. These meetings will also feature NCWIT's five-year birthday celebration!
Google HQ, Mountain View, CA, USA
May 12, 2009
The Second Annual Women Who Tech TeleSummit The second annual Women Who Tech TeleSummit (held via phone and web) will bring together hundreds of women from across the US and abroad in the non-profit, political and business world for an incredible lineup of thought provoking panels featuring technology change makers.
To get the latest info on the Women Who Tech event please sign up for our mailing list. You can also join us on Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, LinkedIn. (Note: Registration will open in April, 2009.) |
May 2, 2009 |
CAITE-STCC High School Video Contest Event
May 1, 2009
Artbotics Across Massachusetts Artbotics is a way to learn about computer science and robotics by creating interactive, public art exhibits. Artbotics Workshop: for educators who seek to implement Artbotics at their sites (colleges, universities, community colleges, high schools, art and museum programs)
June 16-17, 2009, UMass Lowell Registration Deadline is Friday, May 1.
For more information about registering, please contact Phyllis Procter at 978-934-3625 or Holly Yanco. |
APril 2009 |
April 23 - 24, 2009
AccessComputing Capacity-Building Institute It is a Capacity-Building Institute focused on increasing the participation and success of students with disabilities in IT and computing fields of study and, ultimately, careers. We are inviting pairs of individuals from our communities of practice to join us for an engaging exploration of issues and potential actions that can be taken to reach this goal. Each team of two needs to include a person representing the campus office that provides accommodations for students with disabilities and a faculty member or academic administrator in IT/computing. Ground travel, air travel, and rooms/meals at the CBI will be covered by our project. At this point, express your interest in participating by sending email to Lisa Stewart.
The ultimate goals of AccessComputing activities such as this CBI are to broaden the participation in computing and IT fields and improve these fields with the talents and perspectives of students with disabilities.
April 21, 2009 |
Rick Adrion, speaker “Broadening Participation in Computing: A Community College Strategy”
Although STEM fields are attracting more women and under-represented minorities than a decade ago, students with diverse backgrounds still are not pursuing and succeeding in computing and information technology (IT). UMass Amherst is hosting a statewide effort to change this, and its efforts will be the subject of this seminar. |
April 18, 2009
First New England Undergraduate Computing Symposium:
DATE: Saturday, April 18, 2009 DEADLINE for poster submissions: March 6, 2009 See more info at the website below. |
April 16 - 17, 2009
CFP: YouTube and the 2008 Election Cycle in theUnited States This interdisciplinary conference is hosted by the departments of Political Science, Computer Science, and Communication; the STS Initiative, the National Center for Digital Government, the Journal of Information Technology and Politics and the Qualitative Data Analysis Program at UMass. It is funded by a Research Leadership in Action grant from the Vice Provost's Office at UMass and the NSF. A call for papers is available at the conference website. |
April 1 - 4, 2009
The Tapia 2009 Conference is aimed at providing a supportive networking environment for under-represented groups across the broad range of computing and information technology, from science to business to the arts to infrastructure. |
Feb 2009 |
Feb. 27, 2009 |
BATEC IT Futures Forum Please save the date for BATEC's IT Futures Forum, which will be held on Friday, February 27th at Staples Headquarters in Framingham. More information about this event is available here.
jan 2009 |
Jan 31, 2009
Deadline for mini-grant applications from the Northeastern Girls Collaborative. Up to $1,000 grants to girl-serving STEM programs to support informal learning. Go to this link for guidelines and online application. Contact for questions. |
Jan 29, 2009 |
Youth Outreach Fair A gathering of UMass programs for Springfield teachers and young people to be held at Springfield Technical Community College, Building 2, from 3pm - 6pm. |
Jan 13, 2009 |
Bristol CC TechFair BCC, Fall River, MA More than 100 high school juniors and seniors from southeastern Massachusetts and their teachers are expected on campus for an entire morning. They'll learn about the computer information systems program, as well as how to apply, transfer, get financial aid, and succeed as a student. Current students help run the event, which caps off with a prize-filled trivia game. BCC and high school faculty will work on articulation issues that afternoon, as well. Contact Janelle Arruda for more information.
Jan 5, 2009 |
Bristol CC Community Project Fall River, MA Community computer project to begin. [Orientation Dec. 8 2008]
Dec 2008 |
Dec 5 - 7, 2008
This is the first East Coast She's Geeky (un)Conference. She's Geeky is a neutral, face-to-face forum for women who like to geek out. 1. Exchange skills and learn from women in different fields of technology. 2. Discuss issues that affect women in the technology industry. 3. Connect with other women in technology, computing, entrepreneurship, funding, hardware, open source, nonprofit and any other technical geeky field.
nov 2008 |
Nov 25, 2008
BATEC ICT Careers Day Students, teachers, and invited guests will spend the day learning from industry experts about the careers that exist in Information Technology today. Since this event was such a success last year, BATEC and CAITE will be holding it again this year on Tuesday, November 25th at UMass Boston. If you are interested in bringing your students to this event, please contact Dawn Zapata, BATEC Project Manager.
Nov 15 - 21, 2008 |
SC08 Broader Engagement Conference Austin, TX SC08 is the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. SC08 is also committed to broadening the engagement of individuals from groups that have traditionally been under-represented in high performance computing.
Nov 17, 2008 |
Becky Packard "Mentoring and Persistence" talk
Nov 8, 2008
National Collaborative for Girls (in STEM) Kick Off This is the kick-off to the Northeast chapter of this national organization that encourages collaboration among programs that target girls to get into STEM fields. Renee Fall will present on a panel on collaboration.
Nov 8, 2008 8am - 5pm |
ICE Fall Graduate Recruiting Event Umass Amherst, Campus Center |
Nov 7, 2008
BATEC, and its partner the Commonwealth Alliance for IT Education (CAITE), have been sponsoring meetings with faculty and administrators from 15 institutions in eastern Massachusetts on articulation and transfer issues facing the region during the 2008-2009 academic year. If you are interested in joining in on these meetings, please email Dawn Zapata, BATEC Project Manger for information about the these meetings and what's been discussed thus far.
Nov 6-7, 2008 |
NCWIT's November 2008 Meetings It will be hosted by the Ada Bryon Research Center at the University of California, Irvine. The theme of our November 2008 Meetings will be "Multiple Pathways to an IT Career." The Practices Workshop will focus on non-traditional pathways to an IT career, a critical avenue for increasing the number of people seeking to join the IT workforce. Our confirmed speakers include Lesley A. Arsht, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy; Dr. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Director of the Center for Work-Life Policy; Dr. Belle Wheelan, President of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS); and Dr. Martina Whelshula, President of The Spokane Tribal College.
oct 2008 |
Oct 29, 2008
Springfield Technical Community College Career Day STCC will host the second annual Springfield Technical Community College IT Career Outreach open house, geared toward generating interest in IT careers from programs that exist within the STCC community. |
Oct 28, 2008 |
Massachusetts STEM Summit V: Implementing the Plan For more information and to register, click here |
Oct 25, 2008 1.30pm |
38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference |
Oct 24, 2008
"Careers,Technology and You" Framingham State College
The Computer Science department will host technology professionals in industry to talk about the current and projected job market and industry trends. The day will include a panel discussion, guest speaker, give-a-ways, food and more. Students will have the opportunity to speak with professionals, faculty, alumni, and current students. A tour and talk with admissions is optional. Business and technology faculty and guidance counselors are also invited to attend.
Oct 23, 2008 4:00-6:00- PM |
Pioneer Valley STEM Ed Showcase and Symposium Hear what a panel of Pioneer Valley superintendents have to say about the challenges and successes in their districts. Also learn from representatives of the MA Departments of Education about what is happening on the state level in STEM education. It is being held in the Kittredge Center at Holyoke Community College. Pioneer Valley STEM Education Symposium.
Oct 15, 2008 11.59pm |
The Tapia 2009 Conference (April 1 - 4, 2009) is aimed at providing a supportive networking environment for under-represented groups across the broad range of computing and information technology, from science to business to the arts to infrastructure. |
Oct 10, 2008 1:30pm-4:45pm |
Faculty Development Sessions Session 3: VE-IT for Information Technology Intro Courses This session is a follow-up to session 1, designed specifically for Information Technology faculty. The session will cover VE-IT Careers, a module designed to excite students about IT, give them a broad perspective of the career pathways and bring soft and entrepreneurial skills.
A working framework for integrating the modules into introductory IT courses will be provided. Faculty attending the session will be given follow-up steps for optional participation in a National Science Foundation sponsored working group.
Topic 1: Introduction to VE-IT Syllabus |
Oct 10, 2008 9:00am-12:15am
Faculty Development Sessions Session 2: The Virtual Enterprise Pedagogy
This session is a repeat of Session 1 |
Oct 9, 2008 2:00pm-5:15pm
Faculty Development Sessions Session 1: The Virtual Enterprise Pedagogy Conducted This session will cover the foundations of the Virtual Enterprise pedagogy including using VE as a course module or as a full-semester experience. The essential technological tools including the MarketMaker Virtual Economy, blogs and wikis will be demonstrated. Faculty will be given time to experience the simulation first-hand and discuss how it might be integrated into their own courses. Topic 1: Introduction to the Pedagogy
Oct 1 - 4, 2008 |
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference Keystone, Colorado |
Oct 1, 2008 10am - 3pm |
Engineering & Technology Career Fair '08 UMass Amherst, Campus Center Auditorium Engineering and Computer Science majors - this fair is for you. Math and Physics majors - for you too!! IT minors - you should come too!!! Contact the career center directly to get more details about this career fair. |
Sept 2008 |
Sept 26, 2008 9.30am - Noon
BATEC ICT Transfer Meeting CAITE and the Boston Area Advanced Technological Education Connections (BATEC) are holding their third ICT Transfer Meeting at UMass Boston. Faculty, administration and articulation staff from higher education institutions throughout eastern Massachusetts will meet to continue their work on articulation issues and creating a sustainable pathway from 2 to 4 year institutions for IT students in the area. If you are interested in being a part of this meeting, please contact Dawn Zapata, BATEC Project Manager for more information. Registration information can also be found on BATEC's website. |
Sept 27, 2008 9am - 4.30pm
Massachusetts Consortium of S.T.E.M. Programs will host the third annual 2008 Regional Graduate School Fair and G.R.A.D. Lab (Getting Ready for Advanced Degrees) workshop at Northeastern University. This event is made possible by The National GEM Consortium |
Aug 2008 |
Aug 31, 2008 11.59pm |
SC08, the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, takes place November 15-21, 2008 in Austin, Texas. For twenty years, the SC conference has showcased the latest advances in high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis. Deadline for submission: August 31! |
Aug 21, 2008
Successful 2008 Tech Apprentice Program Wraps Up BATEC advisory board member, Ed Esposito, hosted a luncheon wrapping up the Tech Apprentice program. Seventy-four students had the opportunity to work in challenging IT internships at 35 companies across Greater Boston. |
Aug 11 - 15
The Workforce Education Resource Center at Cape Cod Community College put on a week long workshop titled "Using Alice to Teach Object-Oriented Programming Concepts" for 10 to 15 Cape and Islands high school teachers in math, science and IT. |
JULY 2008 |
July 23-26, 2008
Synergy 2008, held in Phoenix, Arizona, was the third in a sequence of biannual conferences, focused on technological education reform from the perspective of community colleges. These conferences brought together participants from across the country who are related to initiatives focused on addressing key aspects of technological education reform. Over 130 people were in attendance working with experts such as Dr. Chris Dede from Harvard Graduate School of Education; Dr. Jim Dearing from Kaiser Pemanente; and Dr. Mark Weston from Dell Corporation. The keynotes can be found at |
July 10 & 11, 2008
Innovative Approaches to First Courses in Computing workshop with Mark Guzdial, Amherst, MA. |
July 7 - August 8, 2008
BATEC Summer Institutes
BATEC held its fourth annual Summer Institutes for high school teachers and community college faculty in eastern Massachusetts. The courses were offered at Bunker Hill Community College, Middlesex Community College, Bristol Community College and the University of Massachusetts Boston. Over 100 teachers, representing 35 schools, attended the Summer Institutes this year. |
JUNE 2008 |
June 11, 2008
BATEC's Fourth Annual Outreach Summit BATEC held its Fourth Annual Outreach Summit at Bunker Hill Community College for area secondary and post secondary educators and community-based organizational partners. This year's workshops focused on articulation and collaboration between institutions. Workshop sessions included: A+Advancer & Accuplacer, Transfer Articulation/Dual Enrollment, the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP), Aligning High School and Higher Education: The Massachusetts School-to-College Report. The summit concluded with three focus sessions in which participants divided into groups to discuss current issues of college and career readiness and articulation.
MAY 2008 |
May 2, 2008 |
14th Annual Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Conference, |
April 2008 |
April 19, 2008 |
North East regional Sigma Xi conference, Cornell University |
April 18, 2008 |
"Careers for You in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and More" Burke, Cambridge Rindge and Latin, Madison Park and Somerville high school students were invited to the college to learn about the
April 17, 2008
Information Security Conference, HCC |
April 8, 2008
Senior Project Day - STCC |
April 4, 2008
2008 BATEC College Fair- Reggie Lewis Track and Field Center, Northeastern U |
March 2008 |
March 28, 2008
Western Massachusetts Articulation Summit – HCC. At this summit, we hope to: • catalog IT courses and syllabi • create a map of course equivalents between institutions • identify links to program and degree requirements. We will follow up the two summits with another meeting to integrate the results from each. Our goal is to create a database of IT and CS courses, curricula and degree/certificate/career programs that will serve as a resource for students, faculty and advisers. |
March 16, 2008
Application Deadline for NSF REU Site at UMass Amherst. See Details |
March 2 & 3, 2008
National College Fair - Pioneer Valley cluster – Big E exposition grounds. See Details |
March 1, 2008
High School Video IT Contest STCC campus. Eleventh and twelfth grade students are invited to participate in the first CAITE Video Competition in collaboration with Springfield Technical Community College. Grand Prize: $500 gift certificate to the Holyoke Mall! |
Feb 2008 |
Feb 29, 2008 |
2008 BATEC IT Futures Forum - Staples Framingham. See Details |
Feb 20, 2008
Information & Communications Information (ICT) Transfer Summit - Middlesex Community College - Bedford Campus. See Details |
Dec 2007 |
Dec 7, 2007
IT Careers Day at UMass Boston |
Dec 5, 2007
Information Security Expo at HCC |
Nov 2007 |
Nov 14, 2008
IT Career Day at STCC |
Oct 2007 |
Oct 25, 2008
HCC Open House |
Sept 2007 |
Sept 27, 2008
Mind the Gap, University of Massachusetts Amherst Photos |
Sept 29, 2008
CS Saturday at University of Massachusetts Amherst Photos |
Aug 2007 |
Aug 2, 2008
Teen Voices at Microsoft Waltham Photos |
May 2007 |
May 14 - 16, 2008 |
NCWIT National Meetings in Boulder, CO/BPC PI Meetings in Boulder, CO |
April 2007 |
April 27, 2008
Women in Information Technology, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Sponsored by CAITE an NSF CISE Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance
© copyright 2017 University of Massachusetts, Amherst
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.s NSF-0634412 and NSF-0837739. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.